Brother Streetjoy Profile picture
Patriot, standing on the shoulders of Giants. Bringing joy, I hope.
43 subscribers
Dec 5, 2024 11 tweets 6 min read

1/ Ignaz Semmelweis

This dude wanted to prevent infant mortality & his studies showed that washing your hands (gasp!) would greatly decrease infection & death

Maternal death rate dropped from 18% to <2%

For his efforts, he was ruined as a quack Image 2/ Ignaz made the crazy proposition that you shouldn’t touch vulnerable patients after handling cadavers

Germ theory wasn’t accepted yet, so… they said he was an unscientific fool (despite his tracking numbers & wiping the fever from his patients)

He got angry, so…. Image
Apr 17, 2024 14 tweets 12 min read

This is something that always bugged me, but now I see it as a more deliberate effort to kill human spirituality

I’ll get briefly into how this may tie into a bigger philosophical battle (which comes down to Tesla vs Einstein, as well as what’s crassly called “Eastern vs Western thinking”)

but I wanted to start with an example that I’ve had with me since the days I was a devout Catholic.

You may know the story of the Fatima Marian apparitions.

The *very* short version:

- the Virgin Mary reportedly appeared to 3 Catholic children multiple times in Fatima, Portugal in 1917.

- Mary met with the children regularly on the 13th of each month, then said to bring lots of people for a final miracle to prove the kids were telling the truth.

- On 13 October 1917 (their story now a huge deal) tens of thousands of people showed up

- It was reported that the sun began to dance in the sky & emit rays of color. Some stories say that - while it was soggy from rain - the sun appeared to zoom towards the earth & dried the ground & the people.

- Mary also reportedly told the children they needed to pray for Russia - this was 6 months before the Bolsheviks performed their massacre in Russia.

The Church didn’t recognize the Fatima events as “supernatural” until 1930.

But the Vatican & its propaganda is a whole other angle - as is the whole subject of Marian apparitions.

I have no opinion on the legitimacy & I haven’t been Catholic for over 15 years.

I want to focus on the skeptics & scientific “explanations”.

There are three types of “explanations”:

- Mass hysteria/seeing what you want to believe
- Looking at the sun caused mass vision problems
- there was atmospheric interference (either from the Sahara or the classic “swamp gases” causing a wavy effect)

I want to focus on this last one, because it - more than anything else - shows just how ridiculous the “skeptical” approach to things is.

So let’s say it was swamp gases or the Sahara that happened to impact the atmosphere.

At that exact time when the kids said a sign would occur.

Now, some skeptics laugh up their sleeve at religious people, & joke about how we’d all be dead if the sun moved all around - or the whole world would’ve seen it.

It boggles the mind just how insanely these people imagination.

If you were to believe in an entity powerful enough to *physically* move the sun, would it be outrageous to think it could break as many so-called “laws of nature” as it wanted?

Again, I don’t have a dog in this fight, but that has to be the STUPIDEST argument I’ve ever heard.

As for the mass hysteria/bias confirmation, I acknowledge that could be possible.

But I want to focus on the “it WuZ SuMtHiNg eXpLaiNaBLe” position.

If the atmospheric disturbance is truly their argument, you know what *isn’t* explainable?

The fact that a massive visual disruption of one of the most constant things in our life (the sun) occurred *exactly* when these children said there’d be a sign that everyone present would see.

Statistically, that timing is damn near incalculable.

But that’s glossed over.

They don’t consider that - if a Deity were to get involved - they might use a method that didn’t involve ACTUALLY moving the entire sun.

Why wouldn’t a Deity actually use natural effects PLUS timing?

If I’m a Deity, & I say “Show up at X at exactly this time & you’ll get a sign” - 10,000+ people then see something insanely rare occur at that time,

… & then some people go “YeAh bUt it wUz the sAhARa”, I’d have to declare them to be massive fucking idiots, or extremely disingenuous.

Kind of like the way some people seem to miss all the different faces Buyden has, or the whole C0VlD & Jab scam.

This leads me to the 2nd problem:

Modern Science’s worship of the Mechanical UniverseImage
2/ Now: how does that tie in with Nikola Tesla vs Einstein?

First: the short answer (make sure you check out the video my good fren @DamonRiddle3 is QTing here):
Mar 29, 2024 11 tweets 6 min read


An A-List Celebrity
His Handler
A President
Sex Parties
A House wired for secret photography

Naturally, you’re thinking of 1968 in France… right?

Unless you’re a French cinephile, you may not know Alain Delon.

That’s his photo. He was THE heartthrob of French cinema in the 1960s who managed to crossover to American films.

But he was deeply tied to the darker elements. Organized Crime.

Enter The Marcović Incident.Image 2/ The Marcović Incident was named after his former bodyguard Stevan Marcović

Marcović was - to put it simply - a Yugoslavian gangster

who cut his teeth in streetfighting rings.

So he was a bad hombre.

He also brought his friend Milos Milos (creative name, parents)

Feb 18, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
1/ Strange Things In Old Movies

I’m a fan of terrible old movies

50-foot bugs, that stuff

As I keep learning,

they seemed to know & think a lot of things back then

Eternal youth via “pineal juice”, underground civilizations, mind control, young body parts for elites… 2/ LEECH WOMAN

An endocrinologist & his older wife learn of a secret elixir that restores youth

It involves the juice of *the pineal gland*

combined with a “rare flower” in Africa

The rare flower struck me as a metaphor

Where does Oprah set up schools?

Haiti EQ?

Strange. Image
Feb 7, 2024 17 tweets 8 min read
1/ Caveat: My 1st belief is that there’s no way to predict how this Movie goes

I do think the “pattern” we’ve seen of Projection & summed up nicely in this 👇 meme

may guarantee they’re going to do all the things they *said* Trump did between Nov 2020-Jan 2021

Think on that… Image 2/ Think in particular

His “outrageous” claims of voter fraud (which the Dems roll out any time they lose, w/out evidence)

His alleged attempt to prevent the certification & especially


Again, I think it’s all a Movie, but let’s pretend what I’m about to describe is “real”: Image
Jan 13, 2024 19 tweets 10 min read

There has been a LOT of likely disinfo out out about tunnels

Things about mole children being rescued & med beds & wildly reaching D.U.M.B. info - stuff that can’t possibly be proven (yet anyway)

I think [they] put out disinfo… b/c there’s plenty of truth out there 2/ Let’s start with Bootlegging

Movies glamorize the old Mob

Sure they’re super violent, but they have a code of honor!

And it’s bootlegging booze which we all know is silly

True, but what gets buried

is their massive role in human trafficking

Brothels, prostitution…

Jan 11, 2024 7 tweets 4 min read
1/ A realization everyone should be having once the shock (or in this case, horrified laughter?) fades

The people we’re reading about (& *will* read about)

🚨they created the foundations of our reality

Hawking isn’t a gatekeeper; he was the author of a DOGMA🚨

See next tweet Image 2/ @elonmusk knows what’s up

It was actually @DamonRiddle3 who woke me up to this

(& any mistake here is my own):

Black Matter is by all evidence a fraud created to gain more funding for [their] shit

It’s made up.

🚨It’s a scientific Macguffin that no one ever finds🚨 Image
Jan 10, 2024 11 tweets 5 min read
1/ More Evidence that Trump was Never One of Them

At this point it’s like proving water’s wet

But I keep noticing that Trump has been an enemy or ironic reference for DECADES

The room gives it away, but we’ll start with funny ones: anyone remember this one? 2/ In many cases we know (& the producers knew) Trump wouldn’t show up on a sitcom where they shit all over him

Uncle Phil, Carlton etc are suitably impressed but many jokes the first season were also about them voting for Reagan (by wise Will)

Jan 8, 2024 17 tweets 12 min read
1/ A Disturbing Music Video, A Similar Death

The other day I can across a disturbing 1990s music video

from one of the least expected sources

A female singer, head to toe in gold with Egyptian goddess hair

Today she’d be nailed for appropriation

But more disturbing: the kids Image 2/ Anons know what it means to be covered in gold

So I’ll add a pic from the music video after the Roths

The aforementioned woman, gold-covered cross, demonic trees, gold-covered kids with arrows

90s kids might know.

Any guesses?

I’ll be back in a bit to finish this

Jan 8, 2024 14 tweets 7 min read
1/ Anyone remember a certain person - household name

Convicted in 2018 of multiple horrific sex crimes

50+ year career completely destroyed

*Actually* went to prison (🤔 first clue)

& caused media firestorm & nonstop coverage (2nd clue 🤔)

… then quietly overturned in 2021? 2/ I’m legit pausing to give folks a chance to think
Jan 6, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
I absolutely love the Fetterman storyline.

In case you’ve missed it,

all signs now point to him being a White Hat plant.

Drop 4958 was right after he started running

Suddenly the weird Dr Oz thing makes sense… he wasn’t SUPPOSED to win.

“Future proves past”

2/ There are numerous people noticing - and in some cases freaking out 🤣
Jan 3, 2024 15 tweets 5 min read

I think many are overlooking the sleeping public’s

Everyone knows Bill Clinton went to the Island & on the plane

Everyone knows he’s a rapist & the Left is just waiting for the right moment to officially Cancel him

They’re forgetting someone: Image 2/ Everyone puts Bill in the “we know he’s terrible but oh well we missed our chance, we’ll cancel him when it’s politically convenient” category

Everyone can understand why he’d he be on an island with sex sIaves

What will they say when SHE👇 shows up there… repeatedly Image
Dec 3, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read

I keep saying it so I’m going to compile them here

Starting with a brutal one

*Send me your own examples of people being gradually nudged towards the truth* 2/ Bill Gates goes into Underground Tunnels
Dec 1, 2023 14 tweets 9 min read

If you don’t already know this story, “they don’t hide it” is about to take a whole new level of meaning

& even if you do know the origin, you might not know just prevalent it is

As a hint, it’s from the Latin “Fasces”

See the next post… 2/ If you guessed “Fasces” is a bundle of sticks… well that’s one hell of a guess!

I’m pretty sure most of you will recognize the below 👇

The idea is:

It’s easy to break one stick

But bind multiple sticks together, it becomes unbreakable

(Then there’s an ax too 🤷‍♂️) Image
Nov 10, 2023 7 tweets 4 min read
1/ lsraeI Saved For Last

Something suddenly was so obvious

We’ve seen all different sides of the CabaI under their MASKS

Iran, N/azis, lSlS… lsraeI?

One of these things is not like the other (publicly)

We didn’t realize how it could appear to the Public (if exposed) Image 2/ For years, lsraeI & the J/ewish people have been used as the reason why we needed to be involved in the Middle East

There was no argument against the victims of the HoIocaust

Who created lsraeI? What problems did this cause?

Was this an accident?

Or done deliberately?
Nov 5, 2023 9 tweets 4 min read
1/ I’m going to share a story

A metaphor that applies to how I’ve been feeling, & I reckon plenty of you are feeling too

I don’t know how many of you have gone to a Naval Academy Graduation

It’s a big ceremony with ~1000 graduates a year

The first time I went, I was about 10 2/ After they graduate, they all get new covers (hats)

& the biggest tradition is that at the end, ALL the graduates give 3 hip-hip-hoorays & throw their hats as high into the air as they can

& kids & relatives who’ve attended rush to grab a souvenir

It’s chaotic & a blast
Oct 22, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
1/ Many think Biden grilled Justice Thomas & tried to block him from being Confirmed

MSM even states he “lost control” by not calling other accusers

*This is wrong*

Biden lied about an accuser & WITNESS - who could’ve corroborated Hill’s story

It’s always been a scripted show

2/ Who nominated Thomas?

Whom did he replace? Did they die or step down?

Did any other SC Justice retire around that time? Were they also Liberal? Who replaced them?

🚨Is it normal to step down when opposition has control of the WH?🚨

Why would a Liberal Senate confirm them? Image
Oct 21, 2023 13 tweets 4 min read
1/ THE JAB: A Story of Two Families

This is the very definition of “anecdotal” evidence

But it’s worth mentioning these tragic examples from my own life and social circles

I didn’t have a huge group of friends growing up - just 2 or 3 *really* close friends & their families Image 2/ Two of these families I knew like you know siblings. One in particular were like a 2nd set of parents

But we grew up & grew apart (as you do) & then you see each other after you graduate & it’s not the same

because you’re not the same

But you watch on FB & note milestones
Oct 8, 2023 5 tweets 4 min read

One of the big propaganda stories going around is that an lsraeli commander named Nimrod has been captured

Many of us are pretty skeptical that Hamas managed this land/sea/air success

So I looked into other possible symbolism

Nimrod is a rare name, even in lsrael

2/ Nimrod is an OT Biblical figure; other sources link him to the creation of the Tower of Babel

Grandson of Ham & nephew of Canaan

Now if you know “the Curse of Ham”

& the Canaanites

shit gets dark really fast

I think @TheReal40_Head did a thread that touched on them

Oct 8, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read
1/ Initial thoughts on lsrael

The “aid” will be the new Ukrainian money printing press

But I kept wondering what lsrael was saved for last, per Q

Who funds Hamas?
What role has lran played?

I *highly* recommend re-reading drops from the beginning about lran

Think NK

2/ What if Iran was the same kind of controlled “nest” as NK & Ukraine?

Revisit their role in U1 & Awan

“Iran next”

Now think optics (global): Who has the biggest reason to go to war with lran?

lron dome failed? Total surprise? Use Iogic.

lran to be cleaned like [Ukraine]?

Nov 4, 2022 9 tweets 5 min read
Ian thinks he’s funny

I have time to kill today,

so it’s gonna be spent on looking into him

Clearly he has not learned that condescendingly mocking us doesn’t end well (ask vikaya gadde)

Congrats Ian. I’ll ask how I’ve done by the end of it. First, we should thank Ian, because hilariously, he supposedly came up with the phrase “America first”

Then, strangely, Bremmer spent the rest of Trump’s Presidency trying to prove that Trump was loyal to the Russians - & has kept on that by applying it to Elon?