Ezra Cheung Profile picture
Words seen in @SCMPNews, @NBCNews, @NikkeiAsia, @nytimes, @CNN, @AFP, etc. Virgoan. Foodie. Tea-sipper. Went to Bruce Lee’s primary school.

Jan 1, 2020, 7 tweets

#LIVE: It is a rather breezy and gloomy day. And quite a lot of Hong Kong people are up to a match on the first day of 2020. Some raise the US flag and sing the US national anthem.

@jamietarabay, @Katherineli1997 and I are reporting on the ground for you guys. #HongKongProtests

Apparently, a lot of new labour unions have sprouted since the #antiELAB movement began in June 2019. Labour unions in Hong Kong are traditionally known to be controlled by pro-Beijing groups. And pro-democracy activists are establishing new ones to combat this. #HongKongProtests

Several thousand marchers have quickly spilled over the Victoria Park central lawn in the early hours. But they keep streaming into the park from all directions, chanting #antiLEAB slogans and holding the “Reclaim Hong Kong, Revolution of our Times” flag. #HongKongProtests

Participants of the march still look very keen on donating to Spark Alliance, a key #antiELAB financial support group that has four members arrested on suspicion of money laundering. Apparently, they are not discouraged by the police operation. #HongKongProtests

This grannie looks so firm despite how small she looks. As usual, this march has attracted from people in crutches to those in strollers. Although it’s always the same path, it seems they never get bored. #HongKongProtests

Among all the newly established labour unions, this Union for New Civil Servants, looks more eyecatching. Unlike other civil servant unions, it’s been founded upon a political purpose. The founder is Michael Ngan, who also held the #antiELAB civil servant rally. #HongKongProtests

An interestingly weird picture: both the Civil Human Rights Front organiser and the city’s health minister, Sophia Chan, are addressing the public at the same time at the ending point of today’s annual Jan 1 march. #HongKongProtests

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