Chhirag Kedia Profile picture
Trader | Philosopher | Trading Coach | Pioneering #BehavioralTA | "I stand at the end of no tradition. I may, perhaps, stand at the beginning of one" - Ayn Rand

Jan 2, 2020, 5 tweets


WIB Breakout

Entry- 1326.85

Stop- 1260.00

Risk- 0.5% on Portfolio

Second Long Entry @ 1351

WIB Breakout

Risk rised around 0.65%


2 LONG POSITIONS @ 1327 & 1351

3rd Long @ 1434.5.

Now long at 1327, 1351 & 1434.5

Net Risk 1% of PF

Closed completely. 180° reversal of yesterday's strong close. #FOA

CODB- 0.03% on PF, almost breakeven!

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