@intel_jakal Profile picture
Have been contemplating online retirement for a while, just waiting for a few predictions to pan out. Looking forward to days of fishing and relaxing.

Jan 2, 2020, 5 tweets

Part 2. it appears things have gone from bad to worse on the sunny island of #sapian Nov 2019 @FBI raided the governor, imperial pacific and what sounds like half the island on the hunt for evidence of bribery, money laundering, improper political donations

Whats kinda interesting is #amercantile appears to have been established for one particular kind of client. Bearing in mind that there is literally stuff all else on the island other than the Casino.

im guessing the multiple raids by the @FBI were pretty easy to coordinate as most of the businesses are in the same building. It even has its own facebook page facebook.com/pg/MarianasBus…

I ust say they have cutting edge web skills down there. #amercantile resides on the 3rd floor. #imperialpacific takes up a bit more space on the 5th floor. Not often a casino shares space with a church.

While there's not much information about whos behind #amercantile and most of the documents I found the meta data had been cleaned....except for these two. I wonder if Mr Tse and Chan were on the warrant list?

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