Zweli Mkhize Profile picture
MP | NEC Member | Former Minister of Health | Former Minister of Cogta | Former Kwazulu-Natal Premier | Former Treasurer-General | Former KZN Chairman

Jan 24, 2020, 9 tweets

Back to School! Arrival at Ndlela High School in Mkhondo, Mpumalanga #backtoschool2020

Excitement in the air at Ndlela High #BackToSchool

We have arrived to a warm greeting from the children of Ndawonye Primary school, Mpumalanga #backtoschool2020

The Minister has encouraged the children to ensure their vaccinations are up to date, they report any eyesight problems and that they brush their teeth and maintain good oral health #backtoschool2020

Principal Magagula briefs Minister on the status of the school #backtoschool2020

As we say goodbye to Ndawonye Primary School #backtoschool2020

Inqubeko Secondary School has continued to raise the bar on its matric results since it was opened in 2014. #backtoschool2020

We are now at Mlilo Combined School, encouraging the children to have Ubuntu and to study hard in order to reach their dreams #backtoschool2020

The energy seen in these images captured of Mlilo combined school is reflective of the leadership role the school takes. It is the top school in Mkhondo and occupies spots in the top 20 in the district and province #backtoschool2020

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