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Jan 24, 2020, 9 tweets

Scott Presler, a far-right agitator with ties to Islamophobic hate group ACT For America (…) who has coordinated with neo-Nazis in the past, will be in downtown PDX tomorrow to harass houseless people with Oregon Women For Trump.

In 2017, Presler worked as the ACT for America (…) coordinator for nationwide Islamophobic "March Against Sharia" events. Emails revealed that he coordinated with neo-Nazi Billy Roper (…) for the event.…

Members of Billy Roper's neo-Nazi Shieldwall Network participated in the deadly Unite The Right rally… and are responsible for various other bigoted assaults.…

Presler also coordinated at the time with Patriot Prayer's Joey Gibson for a PDX "March Against Sharia" which was ultimately canceled after Patriot Prayer follower Jeremy Christian murdered people on the MAX train while shouting Islamophobic hatred at 2 teen girls.

Hate group affiliate Scott Presler's recent re-brand as an "environmental activist" is a thin excuse to bring far-right agitators out to harass & threaten houseless community members under the guise of "clean-up" operations. The rhetoric is familiar.

It’s not difficult to see how OWFT and Scott Presler really feel about our city when they refer to it as “infested,” exposing their absolute disgust for houseless members of our community.

Presler's new brand plays on right wing mythologies of decaying cities & rampant crime, associating houselessness with drug use & disease. He hypes his far-right supporters for donations, while ignoring every factor that contributes to poverty & dispossession.

Oregon Women For Trump have a history of working with other violent far-right organizations such as the Proud Boys hate group (…). A May 2019 rally the group organized in Eugene, OR included multiple neo-Nazis & fascists:…

Please share the information in this thread with your friends and loved ones! Presler & his violent Trump loyalist allies' hatred & bigotry are not welcome in our city!

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