Celeste Labedz Profile picture
Environmental Seismologist - Postdoc UCalgary - PhD Caltech - she/her Currently inactive due to Twitter's decay. Catch me on other platforms!

Feb 3, 2020, 7 tweets

We're doing #7DaysOfFieldWork? You already know I'm in!

For day one, here's me on the @JuneauIcefield in 2017. Cross-country skiing is one of the more efficient methods of glacier locomotion, and sleds are a great way to transport seismometers for deployment and pickup!

@JuneauIcefield Day two of #7DaysOfFieldWork!

Here's a tiny moulin on Taku glacier. Moulins are vertical shafts in glaciers that can fill with water and drain into a glacier's internal hydrology. We skied by this one several times over a week last summer; the water level changed each time!

@JuneauIcefield Let's talk safety for #7DaysOfFieldWork day three!

There are hazards on a glacier, so it's important to be prepared. In crevassed areas, we rope together with climbing harnesses so the team can help in case of a fall. Check out the fashionable helmets, sunglasses, & axes, too!

@JuneauIcefield Day four of #7DaysOfFieldWork!

The helicopter ride to my 2019 field site had some wild views! 🚁 This is an icefall, which is like a very slow waterfall. The arc-shaped bands at the base are ogives; they come from the difference in seasonal speed of the glacier.

Day five of my #7DaysOfFieldWork is also #FieldWorkFriday!

As the sun sets on your work week, check out this sunset from Taku glacier last summer. Due to Alaska's high latitude, sunsets and sunrises last a LONG time! 🌅

For #7DaysOfFieldWork day six, let's talk weather.

On a clear day, this would be a lovely glacier vista, but SE Alaska is stingy with clear days. Low clouds on the mountains means being on the ice looks like being inside of a ping-pong ball: a smooth white in every direction.

That's a wrap for #7DaysOfFieldWork!

Remember as you see happy field pics (like this one) that it isn't all fun times and scenic views; it's hard work that can be stressful and hazardous. At the end of the day, though, I'm glad to have the privilege of working in amazing places.

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