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Nigeria's civic tech organisation, raising the standards of transparency, citizen engagement & accountability most especially in public finance. #AskQuestions

Feb 4, 2020, 7 tweets

We take a deep dive into the #2020budget to highlight some critical issues ranging from opaque line items, duplication of agencies & parastatals to repetition of line items every year. THREAD!


There is a need to look into the number of agencies under Nigerian ministries. With about 856 agencies under 27 ministries a lot of these only exist drawing recurrent expenditure every year without any meaningful impact. #AskQuestions

Nigeria has a number of agencies with duplicate functions. For example, we have a National Space Research & Development Agency in Abuja, a Centre For Space Transport Propulsion in Epe, a Centre For Basic Space Science in Nsukka, and an Advanced Aerospace Engine Laboratory, Oka.

There are also (opaque line) items in the #2020budget that we can not specifically track due to lack of details. We believe this is a potential avenue for corruption as such opacity makes it difficult to hold the government to account.

The Capital component of the budget has over the years been challenged by poor implementation and limited allocation for capital items which has led to the recurrence of some of the line items in yearly budgets and has resulted in shoddy and abandoned projects around the country

Govt agencies that get statutory allocations need to open their budgets to the public. The National Assembly, National Judicial Council, INEC, Public Complaints Commission, NHRC among others all have their total budget allocations stated in lump sum without details. Unacceptable

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