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Awesome Research Group run by @peterdodds and @chrisdanforth: The Computational Story Lab.

Feb 20, 2020, 6 tweets

“Noncooperative dynamics in election interference”

New publication from our group in Physical Review E…

Led by @d_r_dewhurst and inspired by Russian interference in the 2016 election, we simulate the timeless competition between red and blue

This is the first study [that we know of] to explore models of election interference in a noncooperative setting [game theory flavor]

Result: our model predicts that countries defending their electoral process (blue) will bear far larger costs than malicious actors (red).

All-or-nothing mindsets by either country can result in an arms race that negatively affects both countries.

Mutually assured destruction aside, this was a super fun paper to work on!

33 figures, 72 citations, PRE FTW

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