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Primary source documentarian. Work in Oscar, Emmy & Golden Globe winning films. Editor-in-chief @n2sreports. Video available to license

Feb 20, 2020, 6 tweets

Good morning!

Today at 10am, Roger Stone will be sentenced on 7 counts he was convicted of late last year.

About two hours early, a few Proud Boys including Enrique Tarrio are here with a “#PardonRogerStone” banner.

Whatever this is is also here.

I spoke a bit with Enrique Tarrio. He supports Stone, and says “nobody should do years in jail supposedly for lying to a body that’s whole job is to lie to the American people.”

He wants Trump to pardon Stone today, as soon as Stone steps out of court.

So @TrueFactsStated set up a giant Trump rat for Stone to walk by on his way in.

I spoke to @TrueFactsStated about why he set up a humongous rat for Stone to walk by. He calls Stone a rat who “works for an even bigger rat.”

Roger Stone has entered the building. I have a 4K shot that I’ll post ASAP.

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