Ewan Gurr Profile picture
Husband • Dad • Christian •🌹Fan | Lead @OverScot & @FuneralLinkScot | Columnist @Evening_Tele | Prev. @SocSecScot & @TrussellTrust | ⛔️ Poverty

Feb 20, 2020, 8 tweets

My Top Ten Columnists of 2020:

Day 1/10: "I am a horrendously big fan of @kmckenna63. My finest memory was when he accompanied me to his local foodbank in Glasgow where he listened to a man who endured a level of poverty it is hard to comprehend."


My Top Ten Columnists of 2020:

Day 2/10: "@KirstyStricklan has the political antenna of a parliamentary assistant, the literary eloquence of a frontbench speechwriter and always communicates in a thoughtful and reflective manner."


My Top Ten Columnists of 2020:

Day 3/10: "@alexmassie is often my first pit stop when I pick up a @SundayTimesScot. His exposure of uncomfortable truths and balanced critique of his side of the constitutional question is potentially unrivalled."


My Top Ten Columnists of 2020:

Day 4/10: "Andrew Tickell (@PeatWorrier) is not only a gifted individual and a beautiful writer but he also has a penchant for nuance and is a sobering voice on the #Yes side of the debate."


My Top Ten Columnists of 2020:

Day 5/10: "What I appreciate about @StuartWaiton is his willingness to say what is often left unsaid, raising issues that may not be widely discussed in the public arena and his ability to execute a point."


My Top Ten Columnists of 2020:

Day 6/10: "Coming from Northern Ireland, Scotland's Columnist of the Year (@NeilMackay) brings a seasoned and coherent perspective to our own iteration of political maelstrom every Tuesday and Thursday."


My Top Ten Columnists of 2020:

Day 7/10: "Stephen Daisley (@JournoStephen) is a gifted writer, who communicates with coherence, clarity and, as the constitution remains a part of Scottish political discourse, Stephen’s voice will be a crucial component."


My Top Ten Columnists of 2020:

Day 8/10: "If you do not like raw, emotive and brutally honest writing, then I suggest you give @Chris_Creegan a swerve. What makes him a treasure is the way he unravels serious topics steadily and with such sincerity."


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