Ewan Gurr Profile picture
Husband • Dad • Christian •🌹Fan | Lead @OverScot & @FuneralLinkScot | Columnist @Evening_Tele | Prev. @SocSecScot & @TrussellTrust | ⛔️ Poverty
Dec 1, 2022 17 tweets 7 min read
01/12/22: When a mum who left behind domestic violence admits to a foodbank volunteer she planned to prostitute herself to provide Christmas gifts for her two kids after being referred to a charity providing gifts for low-income families
#WhenChristmasEqualsCrisis 02/12/2022: When two young women arrive at the foodbank because their mum is recovering in hospital from trying to take her life when mounting rent arrears resulted in a letter from her private landlord telling her to vacate their home by Christmas Eve #WhenChristmasEqualsCrisis
Jan 3, 2021 5 tweets 4 min read
Week 1/52: When Caitlin, having moved away from family for work loses her job, applies for Universal Credit two weeks before Christmas and uses first payment to repay a loan she took out to pay for the Christmas dinner she ate alone #FacesBehindTheFigures
ewangurr.scot/stories Image Week 2/52: Sanctioned for arriving two mins late to sign on at Job Centre when his bus was diverted due to roadworks, Peter was @Dundee_Foodbank for food saying: "I've worked all my life. Now when I need the system, its let me down." #FacesBehindTheFigures
ewangurr.scot/stories Image
Feb 20, 2020 8 tweets 7 min read
My Top Ten Columnists of 2020:

Day 1/10: "I am a horrendously big fan of @kmckenna63. My finest memory was when he accompanied me to his local foodbank in Glasgow where he listened to a man who endured a level of poverty it is hard to comprehend."

ewangurr.scot/my-top-ten Image My Top Ten Columnists of 2020:

Day 2/10: "@KirstyStricklan has the political antenna of a parliamentary assistant, the literary eloquence of a frontbench speechwriter and always communicates in a thoughtful and reflective manner."

wp.me/pXBm3-dq Image
Jan 5, 2020 50 tweets 20 min read
Week 1/52: When a single mum on a zero hours contract applies for Universal Credit two weeks before Christmas and spends three out of the five week wait for payment with lights out, heating off and blankets on to keep her and her six year old son warm #StoriesBehindTheStatistics Week 2/52: When a lady fleeing a decade of domestic violence and relocated in a new location by Women's Aid applies for Universal Credit and is told at her first meeting she will not be able to claim because she left behind all evidence of her identity #StoriesBehindTheStatistics
Dec 1, 2019 14 tweets 6 min read
01/12/2019: When a single mum in week three of the five week wait for her first Universal Credit payment drops to 6.5 stone having foregone meals to feed her two sons and plans to prostitute herself for Christmas presents until the foodbank steps in #WhenChristmasEqualsCrisis 02/12/2019: When a mum calls the Department of Work and Pensions to ask if she can reschedule a later signing on appointment to attend her son's Christmas school play and is told if she misses the existing one, she will be sanctioned #WhenChristmasEqualsCrisis
Jan 5, 2019 51 tweets 20 min read
Week 1/52: When a young single lady with no family is made redundant, applies for Universal Credit three weeks before Christmas and uses her first payment in January to repay a loan she took out to pay for the Christmas dinner she ate alone #StoriesBehindTheStatistics Week 2/52: When a single mum loses her leg in a car accident, forcing her to give up her third floor tenancy and her three children have to move in with gran, while she spends over a year in a homeless unit waiting for suitable accommodation