Mikey Kay 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 Profile picture
Investigative Journo #SecurityBrief Wednesdays on @bbcworld| Adventurer| Solo Filmmaker| Ex-military heli pilot | MA War Studies| #Autism advocate

Feb 24, 2020, 10 tweets

#Autism #Wales 24 Feb, 2020|

Back on Anglesey, Wales, and seeing Spen for the first time in 3 months. This mischief disguised as an angel is always a little shy at first. That’ll last for about 15mins. Then in 12 hours Spen will start saying, on repeat: ‘Michael go home.’😂

2. Update 24 Feb 2020|

#Wales 24 Feb 2020| wanted to give you a little peek into our walk today. The wind was blowing hard, the rain had turned the paths into streams, and although it was around 8DegC, the wind was bringing the temperature down to around 3DegC.


3. Update 24 Feb 2020|

#Wales But to be honest, it doesn’t matter what the weather is, Spen’s happiness comes from walking hard in the hills. So, you get the right gear, and you head out, come rain wind or shine.

#Autism #AutsimAwarenes

4. Update 24 Feb 2020|

I do this 4/5 times a year. Charlotte my sister, does it week-in week-out, she is the legend, and Spencer’s gatekeeper. And between the 2 of us and our love of the hills, Spen gets the best form of medicine possible - simply known as ‘the great outdoors.’

5. #Autism| last day on #Anglesey w/ Spen-the beach where we grew up. Chatting to himself purges his mind. It’s buys him another day, it’s buys Charlotte & his carers another day too. The cycle is 24hrs. Get up, eat, expend energy in all weathers, eat, sleep — repeat for life.👍🏼

6. #Autism Saying goodbye 26 Feb 2020|

#Autism| 26 Feb 2020| saying goodbye at the train station as I head to London. After two fun but exhausting days, Charlotte will now drop Spen off at his house to be picked up by one of his carers, who will take care of Spen next.

7. #Autism Saying goodbye 26 Feb 2020|

The dedication of Charlotte and the team is second to none - giving Spencer an unparalleled quality of life. I can’t help but think about the super-human that mum was — to take care of Spencer, day in, day out, for over 35years.

8. #Autism Saying goodbye 26 Feb 2020|

Mum never spent a night away from Spen. Phenomenal loyalty and resilience — I couldn’t do it for a week. But mum’s story isn’t a one-off. There are mum’s & dad’s everywhere on a similar journey. One that they fight in silence & with honour.

9. #Autism Saying goodbye 26 Feb 2020|

They don’t want sympathy, just a little help from local services, especially when their little ones turn into adults. And you? You can offer a smile and maybe even a conversation or a helping hand, when you see a mum or dad on that journey.

10. #Autism Saying goodbye 26 Feb 2020|

Your interest makes all the difference in a mum or dad’s day (or a carer’s). Thanks for all the lovely words over the last few days. It’s #AutismAwareness month in April. 😊

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