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America's premier civil rights law organization fighting for racial justice through litigation, advocacy, & public education. Established in 1940.

Feb 29, 2020, 6 tweets

“We are in a time when we must understand that we did not win anything we hold dear today with just lawyers...We always had to have movement in the courts and movement in the streets.” —@RevDrBarber

“It’s been 2,240 days and Congress still has not fixed the #VotingRightsAct.”

“The lie of fraud is fraudulent itself.”—@RevDrBarber

In NC, of the over 4.5 million ballots cast in 2016, there was only 1 case of in-person voter fraud.

While discussing the voter roll purges, poll site closures, and voter ID laws that keep Black voters from the polls, @DrRevBarber says, “they’ve used surgical racism...”

“Systematic racism is not just the dislike of Black people, it’s the dislike of democracy and humanity.”—@RevDrBarber

“We need an all out movement that says we will not take no for an answer!”-@RevDrBarber

This movement includes all of us. We all have a part to play and it begins with voting.

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