Jeremy Teoh Profile picture
Assistant Dean @CUHKMedicine | AE @EurUrolOncol | EAU Guidelines Office | EAU-YAU UC Working Group | SIU Congress Chair | SIU Innovators | #UroSoMe!

Mar 5, 2020, 6 tweets

Coronavirus has become a frequently discussed issue within the urological community.. I wish to share this article with you all, a @NEJM paper written by the China Expert Group for Covid-19, and co-authored by Prof. David Hui from @CUHKMedicine. #UroSoMe (1/n)

For easy reference, I will try to write down the summary in bullet points (2/n)
Baseline data
- 1099 patients with Covid-19 from 552 hospitals and 30 provinces in China.
- Median age was 47 years
- 58.1% were male
- 1.9% had direct contact with wildlife animals


Presentation (3/n)
- 43.8% had fever upon admission, but 88.7% had fever during the whole hospitalization
- 67.8% had cough
- Only 3.8% had diarrhea
- Median incubation period was 4 days


Investigations (4/n)
- 56.4% had ground-glass opacity on CT
- In patients with mild disease, 17.9% did not have any CXR or CT abnormalities
- In patients with severe disease, 2.9% did not have any CXR or CT abnormalities
- 83.2% had lymphocytopenia upon admission


Outcomes (5/5)
- 6.1% required ICU admission
- 2.3% required invasive mechanical ventilation
- 1.4% overall mortality

Please help spread to the community and hope we can overcome this together. #UroSoMe

What is the Impact of Covid-19 on Urological Service? I must confess, this is not a short survey. BUT by spending 10min of your time (Promise), we can learn so much more from each other. Please help to fill in the survey! (On behalf of the #UroSoMe group)

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