Brownie | here4thereylo Profile picture
Bronwyn | 32 | she/her | pfp by @terestriel, header by @bleumis | I write fluff and smut.

Mar 5, 2020, 102 tweets

πšƒπšŠπš•πš” πšƒπšŠπš‘πšŽπšœ πšƒπš˜ π™ΌπšŽ

A reylo epistolary fanfic

Ben has been Rey’s tax accountant for the last four years. Maybe this is the year they grow a little closer...

@textfichub @fic_hub @Andabatae1 @juniordreamer2 @alfreylo @its_ksco @FlyingFlapjax @dark_mage_13 #reylo #reylofic I know I’m missing people! This WILL eventually be E, but it will be a link to an ao3 one-shot so you can skip if you so desire!

1. It’s that time of year again...

2. We meet Hux

3. Ben finds Rey’s records...



6. Ben approaches Hux for some advice


8. Tune back in tomorrow! πŸ₯°

9. A special surprise

10. Ben’s not good at texting

11. Rey seeks advice

12. Rose didn’t miss that β€œbig fingers” comment. Stay tuned for more shenanigans this evening 😏😏

13. TGIF our girl’s been drinking...

14. Hux has no patience


16. Ben needs more help πŸ˜‚

17. Confession time?





22. Meanwhile... πŸ‘€πŸ‘€ (last one for the night)

23. Saturday’s off to a rough start...

24. Is Rey just making it worse?

25. How long can Hux keep it up

26. Uh oh...

27. πŸ‘€

28. Play it cool, Solo πŸ€¦πŸΌβ€β™€οΈ

29. Rey’s not reacting well




33. Damage control

34. Rose remembered she’s supposed to be calming Rey down

35. Things are a little frosty...

36. Caution for adult toys??

37. (More will be coming in a bit sorry!!)

38. The co-conspirators are at it again



41. Rey’s really into accounting memes now πŸ‘€


43. πŸ‘€

44. Happy Monday

45. 😳😳

46. Language, Rey

47. Rey spills the beans

48. This won’t go the way you think?

49. A few hours later, after lunch...

50. Ben’s not the only one who doesn’t pay attention to who he’s texting...

51. Rey panics (naturally)

52. Ben maybe also panics

53. (1/3 and sorry I think I forgot to edit so sorry for any spelling/grammar mistakes!)

54. 2/3

55. 3/3 😊😏

56. Treat Tuesday

57. An accountant’s love affair with Microsoft Excel

58. Ben should be nicer to his admin (sorry!!)

59. Our gingerrose friends are as thirsty as we are πŸ˜‚

60. Ben is all work and no play

61. Ben reaches out after hours

62. Rey makes the rules

63. What are these kids up to

64. Ben...bless him


66. Flirting just turned up a couple notches

67. Rey runs to Rose

68. Ben is TRYING

69. Rose has terrible timing

70. It’s now suggestive πŸ‘€

71. NSFW territory


73. Ok definitely NSFW

74. NSFW and Ben panics (what else is new?)

75. I think they’re gonna make it, kids πŸ‘€

76. Rey’s very perky this morning! (Use your imagination that my wrist is Rey’s wrist πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚)

77. Rey is...

78. Oh.

79. Ben’s ignoring everyone

80. 😬😬


82. Our conspirators are trying (also end of angst is in sight...kinda)

82. A few hours later...

84. The author can’t count and said 82 twice...also it’s HEAVY FEELINGS HOURS 😩

85. More heavy shit



88. ❀️

89. Ben keeps his promises and not one minute later...

90. Thursday morning




94. The stars are aligning

95. Reys texting and driving is in no way, shape, or form influenced by the author’s bad habits

96. Three hours later...

97. 1/2 πŸ‘€

98. 2/2

99. THE SMUT HAS ARRIVED. Please proceed to your nearest ao3 link (and also sorry it's kinda long I got carried away)...

100. Rose *tries* to check in

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