Twanna A. Hines Profile picture
Loves #SexEd, #Data, #PopCulture & you. @Sundance Creative Change alum. @TrumanProject. Hits: @CNN, @NPR, @NBCnews & more. Everything:

Mar 7, 2020, 5 tweets

Started my day with @GirlTrek at @MurielBowser @DCDPR HerStory #FitDC 5K! 💪❤
Headcount: 3,000+ healthy bodies.

Gotta hand it to @MurielBowser and @DCDPR. They know how to make working out FUN!! The dj was amazing.

.@bejackloved 👏 👏

So much fun, from start to finish. 💪 #FitDC #FitDC5K

I ❤ @GirlTrek. (I've been trekking & hiking with my local group for 4+ years.) #FitDC #FitDC5K

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