N0rth0ftheW4ll 🇺🇲🇺🇦 Profile picture
Its always darkest before the sunrise....

Mar 7, 2020, 7 tweets

Wow this trending #HellNoJoe hashtag this morning is an absolute sea of #disinfo ... half truths and divisiveness. I see the @BernieSanders camp has learned absolutely nothing from 2016. Check out the search thread link and see for yourselves. twitter.com/search?q=%23he…

Is the @BernieSanders candidacy some kind of proxy for the Socialist Party of America? Seems like a lot of official Socialist accounts on this #HellNoJoe hashtag? Guess Joe Biden has been President for the past 30 yrs and is also is responsible for #coronavirus. Odd ... #disinfo

Wow this is fantastic research / data collection. Keep it coming kids. Love this one. Biden is for “segregation”. 🤣🤣

I think this phrase pretty much sums up most of the supposed @BernieSanders supporters that left comments here. "If you can't be the captain, burn down the boat." I could be wrong but I am thinking this is the opposite definition of unity.

Also gotta say the number of @BernieSanders supporters that claim 2b neurologists lately seems 2 almost defy the statistical odds. Gotta love self-serving online medical diagnoses of things that are merely gaffes & issues with childhood stutters ...see what I did there? #disinfo

As always @conspirator0 & @ZellaQuixote have a very interesting analysis on the hashtag #HellNoJoe from today ...including the discovery that the hashtag and amplification was pre-planned and organized by someone.

I will end on this because ... well I find it both pathetic and very funny at the same time. The trends, the recent polling and acts of desperation like this really portend that the end of the road is near. Happy daylight savings!!

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