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Mar 8, 2020, 10 tweets

Happy International Women's Day #IWD2020

"I am celebrating International Women's Day for all women and girls this Sunday, and continue to celebrate women and girls on all other days"
Claire, Women & Children Clinic Lead.

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"Every day should be International Women's Day" - Pete

"She overcame everything that was meant to destroy her" Rumi quote, chosen by Tiva, volunteer caseworker
#EachforEqual #IWD2020

Happy International Women's Day - Yusuf, joins Doctors of the World staff and volunteers striking an #EachforEquality pose to mark International Women’s Day 2020 #IWD2020

"We only live in an equal world when all women are treated equally" Amar, Clinic and Helpline coordinator
#EachforEqual #IWD2020

"I fight for equality" - Ella, UK Policy and Advocacy Officer
#IWD2020 #EachforEqual

"We will be equal, when we've smashed the patriarchy" @lifeisspicy, Director of Development

"Happy International Women's Day" @AnnaK_Miller - Policy and Advocacy Manager, joins Doctors of the World staff and volunteers striking an #EachforEquality pose to mark International Women’s Day 2020
#IWD2020 #EachforEqual

I want to join this important action by Doctors of the World staff and volunteers striking an #EachforEquality pose to mark International Women’s Day 2020 - @EmmanuelJGS
#EqualforEqual #IWD2020

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