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Freelance journalist/researcher with a passion for the struggle for democracy, human rights & wildlife preservation. Reporting on wars, uprisings & conservation

Mar 10, 2020, 13 tweets

Across #Venezuela 🇻🇪 protesters are gathering, following a call by @jguaido to rally against #Maduro this #10Mar.

In #Caracas the plan is to march towards the National Assembly in the city center, despite the heavy police and milicia presence in the streets. #10MVzlaALaCalle

#Venezuela 🇻🇪: hundreds of protesters marching against the #Maduro regime in the city of #Maracaibo (#Zulia state). #10Mar #10MVzlaALaCalle

#Venezuela 🇻🇪: thousands of protesters gather in #Caracas, ready to march to the National Assembly. #10Mar #10MVzlaALaCalle.

#Venezuela 🇻🇪: impression of the crowd in #Caracas.

Thousands will march towards the National Assembly today to call for the departure of #Maduro.

Via @NTN24ve

#Venezuela 🇻🇪: the #Caracas march has hardly started yet police forces are already blocking the roads. #10Mar #10MVzlaALaCalle.…

#Venezuela 🇻🇪: police forces in #Caracas dispersed the protest with tear gas as soon as the crowd started marching. #10Mar #10MVzlaALaCalle

#Venezuela 🇻🇪: an elderly woman collapsed after being exposed to tear gas, shot by the #PNB. #10Mar #10MVzlaALaCalle

#Venezuela 🇻🇪: #PNB forces in #Caracas shooting multiple rounds of tear gas to push back the peaceful protest. #10Mar #10MVzlaALaCalle

#Venezuela 🇻🇪: @jguaido tried to prevent a clash between the protesters and the police, which in the end was only pointless since the #PNB fired that gas anyways.

This just made him look bad

The opposition in #Venezuela 🇻🇪 was never really good in mobilizing the people's frustration in a effective way.

They always rally the people into the streets, let the march into a wave of tear gas, only to depart themselves and leave behind a angry and disoriented crowd

This is how it went down at almost every rally in 2014 and 2017. One the first canisters came down all opposition figures would depart and the students and teenagers would stay behind to continue the fight, sometimes with deadly consequences

The opposition's strategy of throwing crowds of protesters against the police blockades without any back-up strategy of how to get past the police lines, of what to do in case of repression has alienated a lot of Venezuelans from the opposition marches

People are tired of having to gather at the same spots every time, listening to the fired up opposition speeches of rebellion and resistance every time, and to March the same route every time, only to end the day running away in every direction from the gas canisters of the state

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