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Words seen in @SCMPNews, @NBCNews, @NikkeiAsia, @nytimes, @CNN, @AFP, etc. Virgoan. Foodie. Tea-sipper. Went to Bruce Lee’s primary school.

Mar 13, 2020, 6 tweets

Just in: One key figure in #HongKongProtests, Dr Chan Kin-man, is freed today from Pik Uk Prison after 326 days behind bars. He was convicted of conspiring to incite public nuisance and inciting others to incite public nuisance due to the 2014 pro-democracy #UmbrellaMovement.

One of Chan Kin-man’s partners in the #OccupyCentral campaign, Reverend Chu Yiu-ming, has arrived to the jailhouse hours before he is expected to be released at 9 am local time.

Reverend Chu Yiu-ming has also brought a birthday cake for 61-year-old Dr Chan Kin-man, who is to be released very soon after ten months behind bars. Chan’s birthday is on March 9. #HongKongProtests

The moment when Revered Chu Yiu-ming greets Dr Chan Kin-man.

Dr Chan says he feels happy that he is freed finally. Despite staying almost 11 months behind bars, he still believes only with democracy can freedoms and rule of law be reserved. And he regrets to see the Hong Kong govt’s refusal to budge after the monthslong #antiELAB movement.

Reverend Chu Yiu-ming’s desperation and thrill when he sees his longtime #OccupyCentral companion coming out from the Pik Uk Prison

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