Alasdair Rae Profile picture
Maps, stats, data, cities, density, elections, gifs, geo + QGIS training with Map Academy - founder of Automatic Knowledge

Mar 16, 2020, 11 tweets

Whilst working away on stuff I've also been rendering a few 3D landscape scenes in the background, as a distraction activity, so here's a little snapshot of Ben Nevis and the surrounding area

an here's a dusky Cairngorm plateau that I exported during my lunch break - I find these quite therapeutic, and also at present I quite like looking at unpopulated landscapes

posting another distraction landscape from the Highlands now before turning off twitter for a while (i.e. at least a few minutes)

I made it as far as foggy Glencoe today and I'm going to leave it there for now - will return to the hills again soon, no doubt

back in Wester Ross for a short while

same but from above, showing the wider area - Loch Bad a' Ghaill and Stac Pollaidh in the West Highlands of Scotland:…

[it's an #aerialod job, 5760x3240 pixels, left it to render for about 30 minutes while I went the office to pick up some stuff)


one more #aerialod render to end this strange and unsettling week - this time of Liathach, Glen Torridon in the Western Highlands of Scotland

(this time I've made the sun visible and put it in the east)

the moral of this story is, I suppose, 'in times of trouble try to find some kind of useful distraction and remember not to make the sun too big'

mustn't forget Skye!

cc @EconAndrew

and now a spinny video version - name that Loch, for 500 points

(to be fair, it's not exactly easy)

this landscape mapping thread has been a healthy distraction - this one is of the beautiful Glen Etive.

I hope to put together a new tutorial on these in the relatively near future but, for the time being, enjoy looking at landscapes that you can't really visit right now.

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