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Mar 16, 2020, 22 tweets

I have not really mentioned this before on Twitter but, in addition to my many other hobbies, I also enjoy making cakes. I thought I'd share a few of my past creations, as a distraction from our troubles.

I'll start with this #LegendofZelda #WindWaker cake for @nomenloony

Cake for my Grandad's 90th Birthday.

Hickory Dickory Dock cake for my niece. It contained a mechanism and was a fully working clock!

Buddha cake for a Buddhist wedding.

Sewing Basket Cake for my Grandma's 90th. Grandma also made porcelain dolls, hence the little doll on the basket.

Are you ready kids?

Bullfinch Birthday Cake for a young ornithologist.

Holy Communion Cake. A chance to exercise my calligraphy skills.

And talking about books, this cake was for my Godmother, an avid reader.

Album Launch Party Cake.
Recreating the album art of Ed Unitsky in cake form.

An early-ish effort. Posted only because it will be of interest to @AdroitlyAbsurd
and @Canocola GWR 0-6-0 saddle tank emerging from Box Tunnel.

Ruby Cavalier King Charles Spaniel cake for my in-laws 40th Wedding Anniversary.

Dragon cake that actually breathes fire anyone?

Aaarr! Pirate treasure me hearties!

Talking of magnificent chests.
The Luggage and Gaspode from #TerryPratchett #Discworld.

Christmas gingerbread cottage.

Wedding cake for my Brother, complete with bride and groom dinosaurs.

Basket of flowers cake for a retirement party. The lady loves daffodils.

Cross stitch cake for a Greek Mythology lover.

Red Nose Cupcakes for a Comic Relief bake sale.

Saving my two favourites for last.
First #Tardis #DrWho cake made for @JRTwrites
Yes it really lights up!

Last one for tonight.
#HarryPotter #SortingHat cake.

(Crystal ball bakers own.)

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