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Oct 21st 2022
Eeee voltei para as logos. Dessa vez, eu decidi fazer algo mais especial: traduzi todos os títulos dos jogos (da timeline) de A LENDA DE ZELDA!!!

Esses são os títulos oficiais dados pela Playtronic.
#TheLegendOfZelda #AdventureOfLink #LinksAwakening #ALinkToThePast

As Quatro Espadas tá assim pois praticamente só tinha artwork de FSA, então... homenagem as capas? Preguiça? Os dois.

#OcarinaOfTime #MajorasMask #OracleOfAges #OracleOfSeasons #FourSwords

Toon Link + A Princesa do Crepúsculo. Contraste lindo, huh?

#WindWaker #FourSwordsAdventures #TheMinishCap #TwilightPrincess

Read 6 tweets
Mar 16th 2020
I have not really mentioned this before on Twitter but, in addition to my many other hobbies, I also enjoy making cakes. I thought I'd share a few of my past creations, as a distraction from our troubles.

I'll start with this #LegendofZelda #WindWaker cake for @nomenloony Image
Cake for my Grandad's 90th Birthday. ImageImage
Hickory Dickory Dock cake for my niece. It contained a mechanism and was a fully working clock! Image
Read 22 tweets

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