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Tweeted about Bayesian Belief Propagation in Heterogeneous Networks before it was cool.

Mar 20, 2020, 12 tweets

I'm going to start a thread on global first reported #COVID19 cases. Things to look out for: Date, location, demographics, stage, visible vs invisible world (tourists go to the doctor, supply chain workers don't), indicators of fast spread (many reports in diff locations). 👇

CHINA: 1 Dec, Wuhan (unconnected to the seafood market), hospitalization.

ITALY: 31 Jan, Rome, Chinese tourists, symptoms.

IRAN: 19 Feb, Qom, death. Qom to Gilan about 5 hrs.

SPAIN: 31 Jan, La Gomera, tourist, hospitalization. Lots of tourists initially.

FRANCE: 24 Jan, Bordeaux and Paris, likely China visit, hospitalization.

UNITED STATES: 21 Jan, Washington state, hospitalization, Chicago and Orange County, CA within days. China visits.

UNITED KINGDOM: 31 Jan,York, Chinese university student and partner, hospitalization.

SOUTH KOREA: 20 Jan, Chinese woman, Incheon, hospitalization; nice table and dynamic map, early cases NW then SW, current center Daego is in the SE.

GERMANY: 27 Jan, Starnberg, Bavaria, Webasto employee, finally a first case from the industrial world; there is a nice dynamic map, this was all over Germany in a flash. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2020_coro…

JAPAN: 10-15 Jan, Chinese national, Kanagawa, hospitalization, direct contact with Wuhan. Many more direct contacts with Wuhan in January.

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