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Mar 22, 2020, 10 tweets

being a Half-Life fan on the 22nd of March, 2020

Seriously, just these free hangout environments are top-notch. You can almost smell that room, those old computers. Psyched for the full experience, man.

City 17 Playground Vodka Hangout Simulator 2020


okay yeah gonna go and play the game now, haha.

But! Before I disappear for the next forever I just gotta say it already wins for "best aluminum can physics." Valve Index controllers are pressure-sensitive, so you can pick things up gently and then squeeeeze them.

Dang. First few hours of #HalfLifeAlyx are mind bogglingly engaging. Next-level detail and clever design all over the place, this is classic Valve goodness.

Also more survival horror than anticipated, jeez! Highly stressful in an oddly satisfying way haha

seriously THIS GAME.

I feel utterly overwhelmed, it's wonderful.

it's fine, didn't need clean underwear anyway

Better quality YT version:

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