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Faster airplanes and zippier cars. Threads: Unkempt thoughts:

Mar 25, 2020, 12 tweets

#rant time

I love Academic Agent

But his recent crusade against Managerial Elites is misguided.

Fortunately in his latest vid, you can just about see professional activists shining from behind the thinning ranks of managerial elites.

Managerial elites peaked in 1969 with the Apollo program, and crashed in early 70s when McNamara's Whiz Kids & RAND Corp failed to manage the Vietnam War to success. Ever since the managerial scientism was considered weak policy source and outright bad policy seller.

The Vietnam War was concluded by the professional activist behind the TV camera and by the professional activist staffing an NGO.

(pic: that one destroyed american airplane in Khe Sanh that was shown over and over and over again)

Ever since the elections are constrained to what looks good on TV. The activist, harping on the heartstrings, sells the policy to the voters,the political & military battles are ran to tune of fervor and spreading values, rather than A/C'd CEO offices and mainframe printouts

Yes, the vestiges of managerial class, like that head doctor, are used as talking head set pieces to prop up a policy or two. However they are being selected by the activists. The ones that try to buckle the script are quickly sidetracked and memoryholed.

Consider the policies pushed in 2019 - AGW and bicycles&pedestrians instead of cars in cities. Both were sold by professional activists, through emotions, and through use of carefully selected scientific & managerial talking heads.

photo: Luisa Marie Neubauer

Even Big Tech is not immune; the technocrats get sidelined and replaced once there is enough power in it; Youtube and Apple are ran by activist Susan and Jony respectively. Zuck and Gates had to re-invent themselves as global activists in order to retain theirs.

You think @\Jack wants to keep banning users from his Twitter? No - it's bad business. But he feels he needs to kow-tow to the demands of the top dog: the professional activist.

The managerial elites were knifed in the back in their moment of weakness (no love lost), and the victorious professional activists are wearing their empty, decaying skin as a mask to hide behind.

the Nobel Peace Prize is given to activists, for activism

you can't win it for managerial activities, as they don't have the necessary power anymore

Managerial class used to design & build cities. Now that is done by activists.

I used to live in a city redesigned and reconstructed by managerial class - back when it was powerful. It was a beautiful and practical city. It's getting destroyed now for ad-hoc feel-good measures.

Tired: Tech oligarchs amass even more power by going to D.C.

Wired: Tech oligarchs are particularly vulnerable to control through the media. They have little in the way of hard capital; mostly just a strong brand name - and the dorks they employ. They are a weak point of the Gov

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