Governor Mike DeWine Profile picture
Official Twitter account of Governor Mike DeWine's Office. Tweets by staff.

Apr 1, 2020, 6 tweets

Ohioans: If you have #COVID19-related questions, I’ll be participating in a nationwide #AsktheGov Twitter Q&A tomorrow, April 2, at 7pm⏰. Reply below or Tweet your question with #AskGovDeWine

Q: #AskGovDeWine
My 30 day tags are expired on my new truck, I know the dmv's are closed. How long will we have to get new tags
- @DragonTLC411


Q: I’m curious as to what precautions Dr. Amy Acton would suggest taking while at work, specifically for someone with a respiratory disorder. Unfortunately, staying at home with no pay isn’t feasible for me. #EssentialWorkers #AskGovDeWine
- @Shellybelle6287


Q: #AskGovDeWine what's the easiest way to request my absentee ballot for the cancelled Primary election?
- @khenriksen


Q: #AskGovDeWine Are salons, barber shops, tattoo parlors and nail salons going back to work on April 7th or has this been extended?
- @Grantchie


Q: Is it true due to COVID-19 that K-12 students will have to repeat the current grade in the upcoming school year #AskGovDeWine
- @quinnekwa


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