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Apr 8, 2020, 7 tweets

It’s #SafePlaceSelfie time! #SafePlaceSelfie is an initiative to identify the “safe place” in your office or residence during weather events! We will be focusing on earthquakes, tsunamis, and severe weather over the next few posts to help you locate your safe place.

Earthquakes pose a safety risk to the Pacific Northwest. The best place to take shelter at our office is under our office table! Drop, cover, and hold on! Send us your earthquake safe place! #SafePlaceSelfie

This infographic from @waEMD helps you identify your safe place in an earthquake. Always remember to drop, cover, and hold on! #SafePlaceSelfie

Along with earthquakes, tsunamis also pose a risk to portions of the Pacific Northwest. If you live in tsunami country, head to higher ground immediately after the shaking stops and follow evacuation orders issued by local authorities! #SafePlaceSelfie

Not sure if you are in an area at risk for tsunamis? This quick infographic identifies the types of tsunamis that impact Western Washington. #SafePlaceSelfie

Severe weather, although not prevalent in the Pacific Northwest, is very possible! Being familiar with your safe place during severe weather is important in keeping you and your family safe from weather hazards. #SafePlaceSelfie

Be familiar with where to go during severe weather events! The best places are interior rooms with no windows to the exterior! #SafePlaceSelfie

More info on #SafePlaceSelfie at: weather.gov/wrn/safeplaces…

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