A reminder during #passover that @Pornhub is a hate group
#TraffickingHub #ShutdownPornhub #PornhubIsAHateGroup
ping @LailaMickelwait change.org/p/shut-down-po…
.@Pornhub responded to the almost 800,000 strong petition by accusing the petition starters of being a “hate group.”
A mind blowing accusation from a website littered with swastikas and racial slurs.
“Nazi f**k camp” ... “Nazi fetish”
“My Jewish ghetto whore wife”
#TraffickingHub #ShutDownPornhub
“SS girls”
.@Pornhub accuses its opponents of being a “hate group” while hosting, distributing & profiting from videos referring to women as a “dirty kike” and “Jewish cumdumpster”
#Traffickinghub #ShutDownPornhub
.@Pornhub accuses its opponents of being a “hate group” while hosting nazisploitation films. #PornhubIsAHateGroup
#Traffickinghub #ShutDownPornhub
“She devils of the SS”
Reminder during #Passover that @Pornhub promotes holocaust porn #PornhubIsAHateGroup #ShutDownPornhub #Traffickinghub #Passover2020
.@Pornhub is a bottomless pit of hate - racism, homophobia, misogyny, child sexual abuse. The website offers “free” access to footage of rape and child sexual abuse. Shut it down. change.org/p/shut-down-po… #Traffickinghub #ShutDownPornhub #PornhubIsAHateGroup
.@Pornhub eroticises hate of all kinds, including naziism and antisemitism.
“Nazi threesome”
#Passover2020 #passover #PornhubIsAHateGroup
“Women of the SS”
On @Pornhub the Holocaust is a fetish. #PornhubIsAHateGroup #Traffickinghub #ShutDownPornhub #COVID2019 #passover
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