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Compulsive tinkerer. Seed investor https://t.co/GMzaIwCF35. Machine enjoyer @machinepix.

Apr 10, 2020, 17 tweets

1/ It's Friday! Here's a thread of weird psyops and tactical weapons.

South Korea used to blast k-pop across the DMZ at North Korean guards

2/ Nazi dive bombers had "Jericho Trumpets” sirens to intimidate targets; the CIA tried to reproduce it but decided they didn't actually really work


3/ Wright Laboratory at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base explored the possibility of designing a chemical bomb which could turn enemy troops gay and horny


4/ The US Army Air Force and Navy developed bombs that carried bats strapped with napalm (14g/bat) in the 40’s since bats naturally sought out building eaves to hide in when released.


5/ Operation Cherry Blossoms at Night was an Imperial Japanese Navy plan to use aircraft carrier submarines to drop ~2 billion smallpox infected fleas on San Diego


6/ The CIA had a playlist to induce sleep deprivation in prisoners for interrogation. It included Dirrty (Christina Aguilera), the Barney Theme Song, the Sesame Street Theme Song, Stayin' Alive (Bee Gees), and others


7/ Vespa 150 TAP anti-tank scooter

8/ Acoustic Kitty was a CIA attempt to surgically implant audio bugs into cats and have them hang around Soviet diplomatic buildlings.


9/ Tanks were invented before truly portable radios so here's a British Mark V tank releasing a carrier pigeon.

10/ "Rods from God" is an idea that surfaces every once in a while to drop stuff on targets from space.


11/ The 23rd Headquarters Special Troops were recruited from art schools and advertising companies to move inflatable tanks around and send out fake broadcasts to confuse enemy reconnaissance

12/ The Sirius Dog Sled Patrol is an elite Danish Special Forces unit that patrols Greenland with dogs because its too cold for aircraft and trucks.

13/ There was an SR-71 mission to fly figure-8s in-and-out of supersonic speeds to generate sonic booms over Pyongyang during a meeting of Communist leaders just to let them know the US was watching.


14/ The crazy pilots of the CIA tried to fly a big U2 spy plane off of an aircraft carrier in Operation Whale Tale, but painted them to look like Office of Naval Research planes to fool the ship's crew

15/ Not to be outdone, the USAF flew B52s below the deck level of an aircraft carrier to practice flying under Soviet radar

16/ Russian drone used to direct artillery fire by the Zhukovsky-Gagarin Air Force Academy disguised as an owl

17/ The Cold War was whack


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