Prof Susan Oosthuizen Profile picture
Prof. (Em.) of Medieval Archaeology, University of Cambridge. Early medieval landscape archaeology, common rights, resilience.

Apr 17, 2020, 7 tweets

Day 1 of 7 in #PhotosOfMyLife: a picture a day for a week, no people, no explanations. Rules: no words, no people.
I was nominated by @harphat 💐. Do join in with your own 7 if you’d like to.

Day 2 of 7 in #PhotosOfMyLife: a picture a day for a week, no people, no explanations. Rules: no words, no people.
I was nominated by @harphat 💐. Do join in with your own 7 if you’d like to.

Day 3 of 7 in #PhotosOfMyLife: a picture a day for a week, no people, no explanations. Rules: no words, no people.
I was nominated by @harphat 💐. Do join in with your own 7 if you’d like to.

Day 4 of 7 in #PhotosOfMyLife: a picture a day for a week, no people, no explanations. Rules: no words, no people.
I was nominated by @harphat 💐. Do join in with your own 7 if you’d like to.

Day 5 of 7 in #PhotosOfMyLife: a picture a day for a week, no people, no explanations. Rules: no words, no people.
I was nominated by @harphat 💐. Do join in with your own 7 if you’d like to.

Day 6 of 7 in #PhotosOfMyLife: a picture a day for a week, no people, no explanations. Rules: no words, no people.
I was nominated by @harphat 💐. Do join in with your own 7 if you’d like to.

Day 7 of 7 in #PhotosOfMyLife: a picture a day for a week, no people, no explanations. I was nominated by @harphat 💐. Do join in with your own 7 if you’d like to.

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