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Apr 19, 2020, 7 tweets

Thread about friends of Ukrainian fascists featured in the new Hulu show, "Mrs. America," about anti-feminist Cold Warrior Phyllis Schlafly. For starters, Phyllis & Fred Schlafly both spoke at the 1973 conference of the Ukrainian-led fascist Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations (ABN).

The opening scene of "Mrs. America" introduces us to U.S. Rep. Phil Crane (played by "Teddy Flood" from Westworld), who was particularly supportive of Yaroslav Stetsko, the leader of the ABN and OUN-B, also a fascist war criminal, Nazi collaborator, and vicious anti-Semite.

In 1974, J. Fred Schlafly became president of the World Anti-Communist League and its original U.S. chapter, the American Council for World Freedom, both tied to Ukrainian fascists. In 1974-76 he had articles published in the ABN Correspondence, edited by Slava Stetsko in Munich.

U.S. Rep Henry Hyde, author of the Hyde Amendment, would in later years compare abortion clinics to "Nazi death camps," but not before celebrating the 40th anniversary of the declaration of a de facto Nazi client state in western Ukraine with its "Prime Minister" Yaroslav Stetsko

Barry Goldwater sent greetings to the ABN conference that the Schlaflys attended, and in 1982 was a member of an "International Jubilee Committee" chaired by Yaroslav Stetsko to celebrate the fake 40th anniversary of the creation of the OUN-B's sadistic "Ukrainian Insurgent Army"

Jesse Helms and Phil Crane were honorary co-chairmen of the 1974 WACL conference in Washington DC that elected Fred Schlafly the new president of the League and at which Yaroslav Stetsko (member of WACL executive committee) gave a speech following one by John McCain Jr.

Senator Helms was also a member of an "honorary committee" in commemoration of the fake 40th anniversary of the creation of the ABN, led for life by Yaroslav Stetsko, which Scott & @jonleeanderson have described as the "largest & most important umbrella for Nazi collaborators".

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