Saikat Datta Profile picture
CEO @deepstrat_LLP || Used to write for a living || Author: 'India's Special Forces' Views = personal. RTs≠endorsements

Apr 21, 2020, 7 tweets

Today, after nearly 26 days of doing relief work in Gurugram was perhaps one of the most satisfying days. Here's a #thread on how @cdgurugram & @gurgaonpolice pull off smooth relief operations from out Gurugram COVID19 Integrated Command Centre

The Integrated Command Centre builds on the Ops room concept of the Indian Army and integrates key stakeholders in the government and civil population. So @police_haryana @cdgurugram @DC_Gurugram and @gurgaonpolice along with citizen volunteers came together for #COVIDー19

We received an SOS day before from @antrakhurana and her friends about workers trapped in Gurugram without food supplies. A team from the Gurugram COVID19 Integrated Command Centre (GCICC) was immediately sent to verify. I and our police team spent four hours verifying

We met Firoz, in the picture above, who and nearly 40 families had run out of money and rations. My team from @cdgurugram & @gurgaonpolice spent four hours verifying the actual position on ground

By yesterday the team had found a cluster of 40 families including a few women whose husbands were trapped in the villages because of the nationwide lockdown. A person from each family was verified and identified to ensure minimum leakages

Today, armed with precise information, a @gurgaonpolice PCR van, @cdgurugram volunteers accompanying relief material arrived at the cluster. Safe distancing norms were strictly followed and the verified beneficiaries received rations adequate for 10-12 days for a family of 5

This was one our most satisfying days. The Gurugram COVID19 Integrated Command Centre is now a well oiled machine, running entirely on donations, feeding over 300,000 people. The dedicated @gurgaonpolice & @cdgurugram volunteers ensure no one sleeps hungry in the city

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