Philippe Quirion Profile picture
Chercheur CNRS au CIRED (@cired8568) en économie. Climat, énergie, environnement. Researcher economics. Energy, environment, climate change

Apr 21, 2020, 7 tweets

#PhotosOfMyLife Day 2
Every day a photo. One Week. No people, no explanations. Every day one invitation to contribute....
Invited by @CelineGuivarch

Today's invitation goes to @ValerieGramond

#PhotosOfMyLife Day 3
Every day a photo. One Week. No people, no explanations. Every day one invitation to contribute....
Invited by @CelineGuivarch

Today's invitation goes to @v_fisch_romito

#PhotosOfMyLife Day 4
Every day a photo. One Week. No people, no explanations. Every day one invitation to contribute....
Invited by @CelineGuivarch

Today's invitation goes to @renaud_cayla

#PhotosOfMyLife Day 5
Every day a photo. One Week. No people, no explanations. Every day one invitation to contribute....
Invited by @CelineGuivarch

Today's invitation goes to @PaulNeau

#PhotosOfMyLife Day 6
Every day a photo. One Week. No people, no explanations. Every day one invitation to contribute....
Invited by @CelineGuivarch

Today's invitation goes to @Mathieu_Cocq

Oups! forgot the photo...

#PhotosOfMyLife Day 7
Every day a photo. One Week. No people, no explanations. Every day one invitation to contribute....
Invited by @CelineGuivarch

Today's invitation goes to @audreydenazelle

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