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🇮🇹 🤌 🇵🇱 🇮🇪 I'm a freelance writer and truth-seeker, who covers politics, history, traditional cultures, and ancient mysteries. Proud Ellis🗽Island roots

Apr 29, 2020, 13 tweets


The Suppressed History of the Struggle Between the Serpent and Eagle Bloodlines.

Part III: The Continuation of the Bloodlines from Ancient Times Till Today.

"What is history but a fable agreed upon" - Napoleon Bonaparte

As discussed in my previous threads, the survivors of Atlantis, fleeing both the destruction of their Homeland as well as persecution by their rebellious colonists, scattered to many parts of the world, both known and unknown.

Many lost memory of their ancestors but others...

...created royal dynasties which were in reality simply the continuation of those which had existed in Atlantis, most notably the Sumerian and those lineages which grew out from that.

Over millennia, these families spread out from the Mideast and Egypt to the British Isles.

Wherever the Serpent, now styled Dragon, bloodlines emerged though, they were soon attacked and driven out by the Patriarchal Eagle Kings.

When occupied by their enemies, the ancient civilizations they founded were altered to fit the Eagle bloodlines religious and historical beliefs so little, if none of the pre-existing ways outwardly survive today.

An example of these attempts to vilify the former Serpent rulers are the many popular myths across the world involving Knights fighting off and banishing a dragon (which covertly represents the Eagle leaders driving out the ancient Dragon Kings).

Although driven from public view, those of the Dragon bloodline continued to operate in a clandestine manner, intermarrying with prominent families and dynasties.

They formed the core of the various mystery schools and secret societies from ancient times to the present.

The purpose of such secret groups and secret orders within existing patriarchal societies and governments was to pass down the esoteric knowledge of their ancestors to those wishing to learn from it.
Ancient building techniques we're also preserved by guilds of stonemasons...

...whose craft full of hidden symbolism can be seen in many ancient structures from pyramids to Medieval cathedrals to many modern govt buildings.
In time, these stonemasons eventually formed fraternal brotherhoods for the purpose of teaching (Freemasonry being an example).

Unfortunately, these fraternal orders, although we'll intentioned at first, eventually became infiltrated by darker and corrupt groups who have sabotaged and perverted much of their original founder's intentions and now are used to spread a doctrine of globalist submission.

The Dragon bloodlines still exist. Although many of them have intermarried with and influenced the Eagle leadership towards their own ends, they are still hated by those from other dark powers who've also infiltrated all levels of society and have sinister goals.

Tree of prominent Dragon dynasties throughout history.

Interesting article by Sir Laurence Gardner "In the Realm of the Ring Lords" discusses more on the Dragon Bloodline, it's history and significance for the present day:

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