Legal Defense Fund Profile picture
America's premier civil rights law organization fighting for racial justice through litigation, advocacy, & public education. Established in 1940.

Apr 29, 2020, 6 tweets

BREAKING: Students are facing unique challenges during these uncertain times. To help, @NAACP_LDF rallied over 20 organizations & educators to join forces and provide recommendations to states, school districts, & schools. #FilltheDivide

Nearly 20% of Black and Latinx students lack access to broadband internet. By comparison, only 12% of white students do.

Students of color cannot adequately engage in distance learning during #COVID19 if they can’t get online.

Some school districts are taking steps to fill the digital divide. That’s why @NAACP_LDF, @civilrightsorg, and @AFTunion developed a list of recommended actions for states, school districts & schools that want to do what’s right for their students.

We can't allow the next generation of leaders to fall behind due to COVID-19.

Download the full list of helpful recommendations for distance learning and digital access. Share with the school officials, educators, & parents in your life.

With countless school closures, children who used to rely on schools for a safe space during the day are now without.


In addition to a higher risk of exposure to #COVID19, these students lack the resources needed to prevent them from falling behind academically.

Here's how school officials can help #fillthedivide for students & families experiencing homelessness:

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