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May 1, 2020, 5 tweets

Are you looking for some low stress #RemoteLearning activities this Friday? How about some #ocean #invertebrate coloring sheets? 🌊🦀

We developed these for #BeringSeaDays 2019 in St. Paul, AK. Learn about the local fauna of coastal Alaska! #SciArt #scicomm

Use the sheet to do a hunt! Do you think you can match all the names to the pictures? 🔎🐚

Post below if you think you know who is who! We'll post the answers on Monday!

Or, if you're looking for a simpler option, learn three new ocean animals and color them!

Animals use colors to show predators that they are poisonous - how do you think that would look?


If you want more, or need better quality print-outs, feel free to send us a message and we'll send you a file!

Happy Coloring and Happy Friday!

Oops! Here's one with a white background that might be easier to see.

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