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au writer | 꿀

May 5, 2020, 35 tweets


— in which kim seokjin discovers beautiful poems and notes stuck onto his books whenever he studies in the library.


- social media au
- university au
- some written parts
- namjin
- taegijin are roommates
- namkookhopemin are roommates
- fluff, no angst ♥

ᵉⁿʲᵒʸ (✿^▽^)

『one』seokjin’s roommates are bullies (but cute)

『two』the locals love the daegu bois

『three』it’s beautiful during the winter

『four』it’s poetry

『five』jin is emotional (and can’t spell)


『seven』jin hurt tae’s feelings

『eight』yoongi doing god’s work

『nine』yoongi regrets going god’s work

『ten』 joonie is lost

『eleven』 why hasn’t he followed back yet

『twelve』 free food? we’re down for it

『thirteen』 yoongi is comedic content

『fourteen』 yoongi has something to say

『fifteen』 yoongi doing god’s work (again)

『sixteen』 🥺

『seventeen』 everybody say thank you yoongi

『eighteen』 we understand, joon

『nineteen』 ah

『twenty』 joon’s having a moment

『twenty one』 joon is guilty

note: hi! sorry I haven’t updated 😩 was busy with AGUSTD

『twenty two』 gay panic

『twenty three』 joon is obviously new to this

『twenty four』 date?

『twenty five』 FINALLY

『twenty six』 right in front of my salad

『twenty seven』 god bless seokjin indeed

『twenty eight』 the gays™

『twenty nine』 models you say?

『thirty』 sneak peek 👀

『thirty one』 what a family

『END』 fave pic ❤️


big thanks to everyone who read this au (and for putting up with slow updates 😅) it’s not the best I’ve written since I’m new to social media aus! but it’s a learning experience and I promise I’ll do better next time!

love, fei 🍯

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