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May 5, 2020, 10 tweets

Happy #NationalTeachersDay!

We’re so happy to have elected so many incredible teachers across the country — and we are so proud of everything that they’ve accomplished in the classroom and in office. Let’s celebrate them today and then let’s elect even more! /THREAD

Before becoming the first woman elected both governor and senator in U.S. history, Sen. @JeanneShaheen was a teacher. So she knows firsthand that high quality public education is essential for America’s children.

Before she made history as the first Black representative from Connecticut, Rep. @JahanaHayesCT was an award-winning history teacher!

From the classroom to Congress, she’s an incredible role model, leader, and advocate.

As a former teacher herself, Rep. @Ann_Kirkpatrick knows how important all of our hardworking teachers are.

That’s why she's fighting for them in Congress!

.@RitaHartIA’s experience as an educator helps her understand her district and her community.

We need her perspective in Congress.

.@candacefor24 is a former educator and school board member. Now, she’s running for Congress in Texas!

We need more representatives like Candace who value public education and who want to invest in schools all across the country.

.@JillSchupp, a former elementary school teacher and school board member, has always prioritized equal access to education. As a teacher and now as a Missouri state senator, Jill is a dedicated public servant.

Now we have to send her to Congress!

.@DelegateFowler knows that her experience in the classroom prepared her to lead on public education in Virginia. Like Kelly, many of our amazing candidates for state legislatures started out as teachers!

.@AnnissaForBos ran for office after 13 years of teaching because she saw the fundamental inequities that were affecting her students' success.

And she has remained a committed advocate for students during her five years as a Boston city councilor.

Are you a teacher who might want to run for office someday like Jahana, Jill, Candace, Rita, Ann, Kelly, or Annissa? Whether that be the local school board, state legislature, or Congress — we want to support you. Sign up today! #NationalTeachersDay

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