Paul J. Verhagen (高保罗) Profile picture
Artificial Intelligence/Geopolitics & technology/US politics Strategic Liaison @CAIL_Amsterdam University Lecturer @uva_amsterdam Subject Matter Expert @hcssnl

May 11, 2020, 11 tweets

With #vicepresident selection season in full swing I've made a tier list of my top 10 most likely picks!

Biden is looking for a VP that:
- Has 2 x chromosomes
- Able to energize the progressive base
- Can take over on day 1 (experienced)
- Changes the electoral math

Senator Elisabeth Warren (tied 1)

- Strengthens the progressive appeal
- Experienced policy wonk, ready to take over on day 1
- Very, very, very smart
- Strong campaigner and best grass roots after Bernie

- White
- MA adds nothing

Senator Kamala Harris (tied 1)

- Black woman, strengthen black turnout
- Experienced, former AG of CA
- Strong debater and speaker
- Very good fundraiser

- Awkward clips attacking Biden in debate
- Progressives dont love her
- CA adds nothing
- Should be AG?

Senator Amy Klobuchar (3)

- Midwestern appeal (MI, PA, WI, OH)
- Appeals to moderate Obama-Trump voters
- Experienced (Senator for 14 years)
- Strong against Kavanaugh

- Progressives dont love her
- Boring?
- White

Mid tier:

Governor Gretchen Whitmer (4)

- Popular governor of Michigan
- Probably secures Michigan
- Strong(ish) name recognition cause of Corona approach
- Rising star
- Vibes with Biden

- Somewhat inexperienced
- Too soon?
- Is Michigan already secure?

Stacy Abrams (5)

- Energizes progressives and black voters
- Could flip Georgia
- Good campaigner
- Rising star

- Inexperienced
- Lost last election
- Too soon?
- Unsubtle about wanting the job (turnoff?)
- Low name recognition outside Georgia

Senator Catherine Cortez-Masto (6)

- Latina
- Nevada secured?
- Somewhat experienced (AG of Nevada)

- Low name recog
- Doesnt speak spanish
- Only elected to Senate in 2017
- Nevada is a weird state, might be some policy skeletons in the closet

Senator Tammy Baldwin (7) (this is my darkhorse)

- First openly LGBT senator, energizes progressives
- Ceiling breaker
- Wisconsin secured?
- Experienced
- Democratic governor in Wisconsin (democratic appointee)

- Low name recog
- overshadowed by other candidates?

Low tier:

Congresswoman Val Demmings (8)

- Black
- From Florida
- Impressive background story
- Played important role in impeachment

- Overshadowed?
- Inexperienced
- Low name recognition

Senator Tammy Duckworth (9)

- Second Asian women in US Senate
- War hero and disabled after shot down
- Somewhat experienced

- Low name recog
- Illinois adds little

Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham (10)

- Latina

- Doesn't speak Spanish
- Low name recognition
- New Mexico adds little
- Inexperienced

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