Wolé Olúyemí Profile picture
Love to speak on #Finance #Strategy #RealEstate #Investments and #FutureOfEnergy. 🏌️📷

May 15, 2020, 7 tweets

Here is a $9.3M investment offer from the YahooBoys. I wonder how people fall for this nonsense! #YahooBoys

Here is another one. $18.5M and she doesn’t know where to drop her #Giveaway money, but to a stranger like me. #YahooBabes should get small sense na. Again, some people would still fall victim to these fraudsters.

Here is another fraudster that claims she doesn’t know where to donate $4M from her late husband. #YahooBabes 😁😁😁. The story does not even make sense.

Here is one saying I won $780,000 without me applying for anything o.

Here is another $3.5M donation from Ivory Coast. Seems our 419 guys love Ivory Coast 😁😁😁

This fraud methodology here is a very old style. People are under pressure and they are looking for who to “devour”. Don’t fall victim.

If you see a deal that looks too good to be true, it is probably not true.

Never attempt to invest in something that you don’t understand (how it is going to make the money) or can’t explain.

Don’t be too greedy. Stop looking for how to convert $20,000 into $40,000 in one week.

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