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May 16, 2020, 138 tweets

One Last Chance, an epistolary fic. [THREAD]

#reylo #reylofic #fanfic

1) Opening Crawl pt. 1

2) Opening Crawl pt. 2

3) Opening Crawl pt. 3

4) Opening Crawl pt. 4

5) Opening Crawl pt. 5

6) Dramatic Voiceover

We interviewed hundreds of single people, while searching for the perfect pair to feature on One Last Chance.

All they were told was that they would be matched with someone to live in a studio apartment, as part of a one month experiment.

7) Dramatic Voiceover

Little did they know, we weren't looking to make a match. We were looking to rekindle a spark.

Every person interviewed was nominated by friends and family that cited that they already met the love of their life.

8) Dramatic Voiceover

After a six month long search, we found the perfect pair:
Rey Johnson and Kylo Ren.

They were childhood friends turned college sweethearts…and everyone we talked to thought they were going to make it.

9) Senator Organa's Testimonial

"Kylo, or Ben, as I call him - he was perfect with Rey.
Bickered like an old couple since they were kids. I wouldn't even call them childhood friends. Rey absolutely wanted to give my sorry son a kick in an ass for being an arrogant prick."

10) Rose Tico's Testimonial

"Ben and Rey, despite all of their bickering...were perfect together. They ARE perfect for each other. I used to joke in college that if they broke up, I'd never believe in love again. So, Be-I mean Kylo and Rey - this is on you! I'm still single."

11) Finn Storm's Testimonial

Interviewer: Was there ever anyone else for these two?

"Oh my god, they are disgustingly perfect for each other. I've known these two since grade school and I'm telling you - no one else stands a chance. They're it for each other."

12) Han Solo's Testimonial

Interviewer: If they were so perfect for each other, what happened?

"*laughs* Beats me...though I think it honestly started when Ben got an apprenticeship. His mentor was a corrupt mother *bleep sound*. Am I not allowed to say that?"

13) Poe Dameron's Testimonial

Interviewer: Why do you think they broke up?

"It comes back to communication...Kylo and Rey stopped talking to each other. Kylo thought Rey gave up on him and Rey thought the same of Kylo."

14) YES

Interviewer: With this opportunity, do you think these two will get back together?

15) Absolutely Yes

16) Dramatic Voiceover

But why would two successful, attractive single people agree to be on this show? What are they looking for?

17) To love again

18) I let you walk away

Interviewer: Can you describe the person that you last fell in love with?

19) Always

Interviewer: ...and how do you feel about them now?

20) Dramatic Voiceover

So what do these love birds know about their situation? The answer is not much. All we told them was each other’s first names: Kylo and Rachel.

How will they react? Will they walk away? Or will they decide to be each other's always again?

Find out on...

21) Another Teaser

22) Netflix really likes teasers

23) Stan Twitter is starting to chime in - @RensKnight18

24) Leia Organa is learning stan twitter language - @HerSisKeeper

25) Edging - @pythiatweets

26) Poe joins twitter

27) Is he legit? -@reyloaddict

28) Poe flirts with @reyloaddict

29) Finally, a premiere date!

30) So it *is* Poe Dameron

31) Poe continues to flirt with @reyloaddict

32) @reyloaddict allegedly has a husband

33) *shrug emoji*

34) Follow the rest of the #OneLastChance cast members

This Tweet from @ft_shipper has been withheld in response to a report from the copyright holder. Learn more.

36) Episode 1 live tweet 1/?

37) Episode 1 live tweet 2/?

38) Episode 1 live tweet 3/?

39) Episode 1 live tweet 4/?

40) Episode 1 live tweet 5/?

41) Dramatic Intro

42) Episode 1 live tweet 6/?

43) Episode 1 live tweet 7?

44) Episode 1 live tweet 8/?

45) Episode 1 live tweet 9/?

46) Episode 1 live tweet 10/?

47) Episode 1 live tweet 11/?

48) Episode 1 live tweet 12/?

49) Episode 1 live tweet 13/?

50) Episode 1 live tweet 14/14

51) Will Rey forgive Kylo? Tune in next week :)

52) Episode 2 live tweet 1/?

53) Episode 2 live tweet 2/?

54) Episode 2 live tweet 3/?

55) Episode 2 live tweet 4/?

56) Episode 2 live tweet 5/?

57) Episode 2 live tweet 6/?

58) Episode 2 live tweet 7/?

59) Episode 2 live tweet 8/?

60) Episode 2 live tweet 9/? @reyloaddict

61) Episode 2 live tweet 10/? @reyloaddict

62) Episode 2 live tweet 11/?

63) Episode 2 live tweet 12/?

64) Episode 2 live tweet 13/?

65) Episode 2 live tweet 14/?

66) Episode 2 live tweet 15/?

67) Episode 2 live tweet 16/?

68) Episode 2 live tweet 17/?

69) Episode 2 live tweet 18/?

70) Episode 2 live tweet 19/?

71) Episode 2 live tweet 20/?

72) Episode 2 live tweet 21/?

73) Episode 2 live tweet 22/?

74) Episode 2 live tweet 23/23

75) Episode 2 recap

76) Episode 3 live tweet 1/?

77) Episode 3 live tweet 2/?

78) Episode 3 live tweet 3/?

79) Episode 3 live tweet 4/?

80) Episode 3 live tweet 5/?

81) Episode 3 live tweet 6/?

82) Episode 3 live tweet 7/?

83) Episode 3 live tweet 8/?

84) Episode 3 live tweet 9/? @miz_kittymystic

85) Episode 3 live tweet 10/? @reyloaddict @miz_kittymystic

86) Episode 3 live tweet 11/? @reyloaddict

87) Episode 3 live tweet 12/?

88) Episode 3 live tweet 13/? @slyther1ntobed

89) Episode 3 live tweet 14/?

90) Episode 3 live tweet 15/?

91) Episode 3 live tweet 16/? @reyloaddict

92) Episode 3 live tweet 17/? @alania57

93) Episode 3 live tweet 18/? @reyloaddict

94) Episode 3 live tweet 19/? @reyloaddict

95) Episode 3 live tweet 20/?

96) Episode 3 live tweet 21/?

97) Episode 3 live tweet 22/?

98) Episode 3 live tweet 23/?

99) Episode 3 live tweet 24/?

100) Episode 3 live tweet 25/?

101) Episode 3 live tweet 26/26

102) Episode 3 recap

NOTE: A problematic Reylo was used as a stan in this story, as I was unaware that they have a racist history. As a BIWOC account we don’t tolerate that.

I don’t want to break the chain, so I will not delete that tweet.

Regular programming will now resume!

103) Series Finale Live Tweet 1/?

104) Series Finale Live Tweet 2/?

105) Series Finale Live Tweet 3/?

106) Series Finale Live Tweet 4/?

107) Series Finale Live Tweet 5/?

108) Series Finale Live Tweet 6/?

109) Series Finale Live Tweet 7/?

110) Series Finale Live Tweet 8/?

111) Series Finale Live Tweet 9/?

112) Series Finale Live Tweet 10/?

113) Series Finale Live Tweet 11/?

114)Series Finale Live Tweet 12/? @slyther1ntobed

115) Series Finale Live Tweet 13/? @reyloaddict

116) Series Finale Live Tweet 14/?

117) Series Finale Live Tweet 15/?

118) Series Finale Live Tweet 16/?

119) Series Finale Live Tweet 17/?

120) Series Finale Live Tweet 18/?

121) Series Finale Live Tweet 19/?

122) Series Finale Live Tweet 20/?

123) Series Finale Live Tweet 21/?

124) Series Finale Live Tweet 22/?

125) Series Finale Live Tweet 23/?

126) Series Finale Live Tweet 24/?

127) Series Finale Live Tweet 25/?

128) Series Finale Live Tweet 26/?

129) Series Finale Live Tweet 27/?

130) Series Finale Live Tweet 28/?

131) Series Finale Live Tweet 29/?

132) Series Finale Live Tweet 30/? @reyloaddict

133) Series Finale Live Tweet 31/?

134) Series Finale Live Tweet 32/32

135) FIN - Part 1 (Series Recap)

136) FIN - Part 2 (Series Recap)

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