Nirmala Sitharaman Office Profile picture
Office of Smt. @nsitharaman; Minister of Finance and Corporate Affairs, MP (RS) representing Karnataka

May 17, 2020, 5 tweets

Stimulus from earlier measures such as tax concessions, PMGKY, and allocation for health sector announced by Prime Minister Narendra Modi amounts to Rs 1,92,800 crore: Smt @nsitharaman #AatmaNirbharApnaBharat

Stimulus provided by announcements in Part-1 on May 13 amounts to Rs 5,94,550 crore: Smt @nsitharaman #AatmaNirbharApnaBharat

Stimulus provided by announcements in Part-2 on May 14 amount to Rs 3,10,000 crore: Smt @nsitharaman #AatmaNirbharApnaBharat

Stimulus provided by announcements in Part-3 on May 15 amounts to Rs 1,50,000 crore: Smt @nsitharaman #AatmaNirbharApnaBharat

Stimulus provided by announcements in Part-4 and Part-5 on May 16 and May 17, respectively, amounts to Rs 48,100 crore: Smt @nsitharaman #AatmaNirbharApnaBharat

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