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Protecting Your Vote and Delivering Real Results for #ElectionIntegrity

May 19, 2020, 9 tweets

#Pennsylvania#AlleghenyCounty deserves credit for agreeing to fix a serious problem with elections there,”
@PILFoundation President and General Counsel J. Christian Adams said.

#Pennsylvania "People have been getting registered two, three, four, even seven times over to vote in Pittsburgh and the suburbs. We found those problems, and the County agreed to fix them." @PILFoundation's J. Christian Adams said.

#Pennsylvania We outlined plans to address registration files which may be outdated, incomplete, or belong to deceased persons. This settlement demonstrates what can be accomplished when good government groups work with election officials in good faith.

#Pennsylvania "Ideologically driven activists oppose such measures. Those same activists push radical changes to vote by mail, which shows how important this settlement was for a clean election in Pennsylvania.”
@PILFoundation's J. Christian Adams said.

#Pennsylvania #AlleghenyCounty Voter Roll Cleanup Lawsuit Ends

County will provide records showing the results of comparisons between the Foundation’s leads involving potentially deceased registrants within 60 days of the agreement.

#Pennsylvania #AlleghenyCounty Voter Roll Cleanup Lawsuit Ends

County will provide records showing the results of proposed duplicated registration merges within 60 days of the agreement.

#Pennsylvania #AlleghenyCounty Voter Roll Cleanup Lawsuit Ends

County agrees to review registration records where dates of birth exceed 110 years of age and determine if death notices were previously overlooked on an annual basis for the next three years.

#Pennsylvania #AlleghenyCounty Voter Roll Cleanup Lawsuit Ends

Settlement Secures Information-Sharing Agreement for Voter Roll List Maintenance

County agrees, within 60 days, to send letters to registrants with fictitious or placeholder dates of birth.

#Pennsylvania #AlleghenyCounty Voter Roll Cleanup Lawsuit Ends

Settlement Secures Information-Sharing Agreement for Voter Roll List Maintenance

County agrees to accept future list maintenance leads from the Foundation over the next one-year period.

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