Fred Moyer Profile picture
Observability Strategist, SLOgician. SRE @Zendesk. Engineer to engineer. Always tries to have facts/math/empathy.

May 20, 2020, 11 tweets

.@monkchips firing off his entertaining rageops rants at #gitopsdays

The HIPPO - HIghest Paid PersOn in the room says what should be built

BTW @monkchips I updated your FAANG slide to FAANGZ, Zendesk has been crushing it lately ;)

Progressive Delivery pipeline

Reign in the kingmakers - "We can't let developers run around doing things willy nilly"

Github has Flipper for Progressive Delivery. They call it Flipper, Flipper, faster than train releases

Target is doing Progressive Delivery in every store. Related - @monkchips ordered shoes from another vendor using progressive delivery that didn't fit; UK vs US sizes?

Cloudflare has dogs, canaries, and pigs.
Dogs - loyal customers, don't break them
Canaries - roll out to test with them
Pigs are his favorite - "roll out all the janky stuff to free customers"

Two years of digital transformation in two months. Zoom has zoomed to be worth more than all the airlines.

Social distancing has led to better, more livable cities. We need to think about that from the software perspective.

/fin - thanks @monkchips for the great talk!

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