かめりあ (Camellia) @ 2025 Profile picture
(JP/EN)フリーランス作曲家 SDVX/IIDX/DDR/BEMANI/Hololive/MADRADDEAD/BeatSaber/MuseDash/Arcaea/CHUNITHM「ヒアソビ」「Detect My Love」「マリ箱」編曲等 beatnationRHYZE 📩cametek@gmail.com

May 21, 2020, 6 tweets

エイブルシスターズが営業始めたら配ります~ gonna share this tomorrow, since its 3am here #どうぶつの森 #AnimalCrossing #ACNH #NintendoSwitch

Crystallizedできた!今後も配信で他のジャケット作って配る予定です(多分)Crystallized is here! Probably I'm gonna stream sometimes to make other jacket designs too! twitch.tv/cametek

改めまして配信ありがとうございました!PLANET//SHAPERとBlackmagik Blazingはこちら!Again thank you for joining the last stream, the jacket made in the stream, PLANET//SHAPER is here! (And adding Blackmagik Blazing to this thread just in case)

配信ありがとうございました!KASAI HARCORES EP02完成! (リプライ欄に他のジャケットも)The jacket design made in the stream is here, you can get from Able Sisters! (And other designs in thread)

ツイート忘れてました!Xroniàl Xéroジャケット!Sorry my brain died in the stream and forgot to share... But hey, xronial xero counterfeit in ACNH! Thank you for joining the stream again!

配信で作ったGALAXY BURSTのデザイン!(リプツリーに他のジャケットがあります) Thank you again, GALAXY BURST is here! (More in the thread)

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