かめりあ (Camellia) @ 2025 Profile picture
(JP/EN)フリーランス作曲家 SDVX/IIDX/DDR/BEMANI/Hololive/MADRADDEAD/BeatSaber/MuseDash/Arcaea/CHUNITHM「ヒアソビ」「Detect My Love」「マリ箱」編曲等 beatnationRHYZE 📩cametek@gmail.com
Nov 3, 2020 5 tweets 3 min read
Let me clarify again: regarding the current Twitch situation, I literally allow you to use my song in your stream under this guideline. If you're playing my song under it, you'll never get DMCA from me. Unfortunately it's quite long but I hope it's easy cametek.jp/songuse_en.html You probably might already know it, but here's additional things from my side:
- I can't allow your use requests individually, it'll take forever
- Some of my songs are not "allowable", even they're created by me. please don't ask me about them or you'll be certainly denied
Sep 16, 2020 9 tweets 4 min read

Thanks 100k Twitter Followers:
『 かめりあ(Camellia) - Tera I/O 』
2020 Sept 27 Release

Digital stream / download / CD ver. (same content)

Full Album :
(Premiere starts at Sept 26, 11PM JST) ということで、9/27に新曲10曲入0円アルバムをリリースします。9/26午後11時からYouTube Premiereで一緒に聴く会もやりますので是非。Spotify/iTunes/Amazon/LINE MUSIC/Bandcamp他各種配信でも聴けます。改めまして10万フォロワーありがとうございました!今後とも何卒! ImageImage
Aug 25, 2020 6 tweets 3 min read
Highlights from the last stream! 3 chapters of "Resentment for the surveillance cameras" "Curiosity" & "Man who can't read chat"
VOD(アーカイブ): twitch.tv/videos/7194767… モーメントも更新しました
⚡️「配信ハイライト集」(作成者: @cametekさん) twitter.com/i/events/12921…
Aug 21, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read
あんまり言うと怒られるんだけど、勝手にYouTubeに上げられた音源だろうがなんだろうが自分の曲を聴いてくれてる時点で手放しでありがたいなと思うし、自分はそういうのを違法とは呼べないなぁ、もちろんもし可能なら正規の方法で聴いてほしいし、正規の方法で楽しんでほしいとは思うけど ここでリストアップされてる以外の曲については権利の都合上触れにくい曲が多いんですが(お察し下さい)、基本的にはキル集その他とかでもこのガイドラインに沿ってたら全然自由に使ってもらって大丈夫なので cametek.jp/songuse_ja.html
Aug 14, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
何配信するか考え中です chatting to decide what to stream today lul (and ofc play something later) [日本語/Eng] idk what to stream today twitch.tv/cametek 配信ありがとうございました!結局今日はPortalをやっていました Thank you for joining in stream!! It was so fun to play Portal...(btw it was the first time to play it) And thank you Ed @btmclive for your huge raid! I hope you'd have good stream today!

VOD: twitch.tv/videos/7103751… Image
Aug 7, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
エアライド配信の日なのでエアライドをします(スクワット付き) kirbo airride time! get 60 items or I squat

[日本語/Eng] Kirby forces us to squat twitch.tv/cametek 配信ありがとうございました!これは一日に二度もマシンを破壊されたので失笑している自分です Thank you for joining in stream! This is the scene which the CPU broke my star again (the 2nd time in the stream) and I'm feeling awful

VOD: twitch.tv/videos/7030697… Image
Jul 29, 2020 7 tweets 1 min read
Jul 27, 2020 5 tweets 3 min read
カービィのエアライド(スクワット付き)を後でやる予定です Talking about squat and Kirby Airride later

[日本語/Eng] Prep for Squat twitch.tv/cametek 配信ありがとうございました!これはCPUにマシンを破壊されて呆然としている自分です Thank you for joining in the squat stream, it was really fun! And this was the scene when the opponent killed me and I said WHAT THE FRICK twitch.tv/videos/6926005… Image
Jul 23, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
Sorry for being very very late but I started to register this song to distribute on Spotify / iTunes / Apple Music / Deezer / YT Music etc., thank you for requesting! Camellia - Nacreous Snowmelt (for THX 70k Twitter Followers) holy cow it already passed the examination, so probably it should be available from a few days later. on the first try? (it takes some revisions usually)
Jul 21, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
maybe I'm going to finish this up today, maybe though it might be unnecessary, but I removed and replaced all sampled section from original song with my recrated ones so I can say it's a remix (not a "bootleg")
Jul 17, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
I heard Discord is down btw it's my remix (unreleased, unfinished yet), I gotta finish this and upload when I got enough time...
Jul 4, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
完全に決意した Image スーパーモンキーボール2も買いました、エアライドと多分Twitchでやると思うのでよろしくお願いします twitch.tv/cametek
Jun 27, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
Thank you for (almost) hitting 50k plays! 5万再生(まだ到達してないけど)ありがとうございます! Rude Buster (Camellia Remix) [Deltarune Battle Theme] @YouTubeより Image And I have something to mention: the mp3 that you can DL from the links in the desc was accidentally not the final version, I replaced with the correct data. Sorry for inconvenience but if you want the finalized version, please download again! Thank you so much!
Jun 21, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
I want to make my version of the Change da world my final message good bye meme by myself just to fun change da world
my final message.
Goodb ye
(Camellia Remix)
Jun 13, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
罰を受けています Image フリー素材になった ImageImageImageImage
Jun 11, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
I'm just making Never Gonna Give You Up but every other beats happens 99 times for absolutely no reason NEVER GONNA BELIEVE THIS ONE ImageImageImage
May 27, 2020 5 tweets 3 min read
【告知】本日より #Arcaea 新アップデート(ver.3.0)配信開始!そして初参戦曲 #1f1e33 が配信されております!スゲームズいらしいのでよろしくお願いします。なおArcaeaチームのご厚意のお陰で、早速各種サイトで29日から聴けるようになります&29日0時にYouTubeにも上げます!どうぞよしなに! ImageImage [Announcement] New #Arcaea update (ver.3.0) is
finally here! And my debut song #1f1e33 also comes along to it! Thanks to the Arcaea team, it's also available on various services from May 29th & it will be uploaded on my YT channel at 29th 0AM(JST) as well. Join the Black Fate! ImageImage
May 25, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
[日本語/ENG] making ACNH design from my album #2 twitch.tv/cametek 配信ありがとうございました!次はINVAIDAS FROM DA JUNGLEかXroniàl Xéroのジャケットを作ると思います Thank you for gathering to the stream! The next one maybe INVAIDAS FROM DA JUNGLE or Xroniàl Xéro
May 21, 2020 6 tweets 4 min read
エイブルシスターズが営業始めたら配ります~ gonna share this tomorrow, since its 3am here #どうぶつの森 #AnimalCrossing #ACNH #NintendoSwitch Image Crystallizedできた!今後も配信で他のジャケット作って配る予定です(多分)Crystallized is here! Probably I'm gonna stream sometimes to make other jacket designs too! twitch.tv/cametek Image
May 17, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
なんかあったら即閉めます ImageImageImageImage カブ売ってるヤツ(名前が覚えられない)は現在場所が変わってA3のあたりにいるようです
May 14, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
Working on Astronomia(aka Coffin Dance theme) by Vicetone & Tony Igy Camellia Remix! It's WIP and I'm gonna upload once it's finished! Coffin Dance Coffin DanceことAstronomia / Vicetone & Tony Igyのリミックスを作っています(WIP)、完成したらアップします! できた!!動画作って明日アップロードします!it's fricking done!! I'm gonna throw it into YT channel tomorrow youtube.com/channel/UCV4gg…