Tyler Pasciak LaRiviere Profile picture
Photojournalist in Chicago. Staff Visual Journalist with @Suntimes send tips and hate at tlariviere@suntimes.com

May 30, 2020, 7 tweets

Hundreds currently protesting around Chicagos River North Neighborhood protesting the death of #GeorgeFlyod in #Chicago

Protesters have now headed south into the The Loop and are in front of the Metropolitan Corectional Center. They are chanting "Say his name...George Flyod" #GeorgeFlyod #Chicago

Cheers erupt as protesters hear prisoners at the Metropolitan Corectional Center pound and bang on windows in support. #GeorgeFloyd #Chicago

Things got tense after security at the Metropolitan Correctional Center started to put on gas masks and carry tear gas launchers, protsters started pounding the glass, and CPD came in and blocked protesters from the glass. #Chicago #GeorgeFlyod

Prisoners at the MCC are flashing lights and pounding on glass in support of the protesters. #Chicago #GeorgeFloyd

PHOTOS: Marchers shut down streets in downtown Chicago to protest killing of George Floyd, read more @Suntimes here...


#Chicago #GeorgeFloyd

108 arrests, officer’s wrist broken in downtown Floyd protests; next rally set for Saturday afternoon...


#Chicago #GeorgeFloyd

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