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Morning Anchor @1011_News | Nebraska Native 🌽 | @HastingsCollege Alum | Tips: danielle.shenk@1011now.com

Jun 1, 2020, 5 tweets

A small but mighty group of protesters are lining 25th St. in #Kearney just outside of MONA.

They’ve been here for a couple of hours holding signs related to George Floyd’s death and all lives matter.

25th St. is a loud one today with several cars honking in agreement to the #GeorgeFloydProtests

.@KearneyPolice is chatting with the #GeorgeFloyd protestors along 25th St.

Smiles and laughter between these two have been seen/heard.

“Where Is the Love?” by The Black Eyed Peas is playing while the #GeorgeFloydProtests continue in #Kearney.

“Can you see us?”

“Can you hear us?”

“We’re right here.”

“We ain’t going nowhere until we get justice.”

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